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Re: fix ppc-vxworks not to clobber explicit options for E500

Joseph S. Myers wrote:
> >    #define SUBSUBTARGET_OVERRIDE_OPTIONS           \

> Although such a check on rs6000_explicit_options seems correct, it would
> also seem in line with the intention of this code in vxworks.h for the
> default to be 1 for -mcpu=8540 and 2 for -mcpu=8548 - which would however
> require proper separate CPU entries for 8540 and 8548 (including making
> the scheduler in apply for both CPUs where it presently checks for
> "ppc8540").

> Hmm, I agree that having proper handling of the 8548 would be a nice
> improvement. However, it seems to me that the check not to override explicit
> requests is useful either way, so the two look pretty orthogonal IMO.

I think Joseph is suggesting that checking for rs6000_explicit_options
fixes the symptom, but not the problem.  ppc8548 supports double gprs
and ppc8540 supports float gprs.  One should distinguish ppc8548 for
double gprs.

More fundamentally,

e500.h:#define TARGET_E500 (rs6000_cpu == PROCESSOR_PPC8540)

is wrong.  TARGET_E500 should not be checking for a specific CPU.
This broken logic was introduced when E500 support initially was

I don't mind checking for rs6000_explicit_options, but adding that
simply to allow


on the command line for ppc8548 is solving the symptom and not the problem.

- David

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