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Re: [trans-mem] rms-tm bug report

> I had "error: enum conversion in initialization is invalid in C++".
> I corrected this by adding a explicit cast (enum ix86_builtins). I
> don't know if BUILT_IN_TM_STORE_M64 must be define in the enum
> ix86_builtins definition.
> example:
>   { OPTION_MASK_ISA_MMX, 0, "__builtin__ITM_WM64", (enum
> },
> Another error was "error: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code"

Whoops.  This happens when you don't bootstrap, because the TM branch
hadn't bootstrapped for the longest time.  But now that I'm making non
trans-mem.c changes, so I really should bootstrap.

Thanks for catching this.

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