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Re: [PATCH 4/6] Add multilib configuration for arm-linux-androideabi

Maxim Kuvyrkov wrote:

> This patch defines multilibs for arm-linux-androideabi.  The multilib
> configuration defines 4 multilibs:
>     ".;"
>     "armv7-a;@march=armv7-a"
>     "thumb;@mthumb"
>     "armv7-a/thumb;@march=armv7-a@mthumb"
> The default and thumb multilibs are built for whatever processor or ARM
> subarchitecture one defines with "--with-arch=" configure switch.

Since the ARM maintainers haven't commented specifically, this patch is

(I think that in general what set of multilibs are built for a given
triplet isn't too big a deal; even though we put these things into the
GCC source code, the set of multilibs is *logically* a configure-time
option, not a source-code option.  In practice, people who don't like
the set of multilibs edit the code before building the compiler.)

Mark Mitchell
(650) 331-3385 x713

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