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Re: [patch] Improve prefetch heuristics


> >> Patch5: 0005-Also-apply-the-insn-to-prefetch-ratio-heuristic-to-l.patch
> >> This patch applies the instruction to prefetch ratio heuristic also to loops with
> >> known loop trip count.  It improves 416.gamess by 3~4% and 445.gobmk by 3%.
> >I think it would be better to find out why the prefetching for the loops in
> >these examples is currently performed (or why it causes the degradation).  If
> >the instruction count is too small, AHEAD should be big enough to prevent the
> >prefetching.  Currently we just test whether est_niter <= ahead, which is
> >rather aggressive. We should only emit the prefetches if # of iterations is
> >significantly bigger than ahead, so that could be the place that needs to be
> >fixed.  Which ...
> The reason is that there are too many prefetches. Here is an example:
> Ahead 5, unroll factor 1, trip count 216, insn count 49, mem ref count 15, prefetch count 15
> Here we inserted one prefetch for each memory reference. I just feel uncomfortable that
> we inserted so many prefetches in this loop. I think prefetches will compete with loads/stores
> for memory ports and bandwidth, and thus cause performance degradation in this case.

SIMULTANEOUS_PREFETCHES parameter is used to avoid that.  Perhaps it is set too high for your


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