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Re: [trans-mem] make alias oracle understand TM read/writes

On 08/31/2009 01:55 PM, Daniel Berlin wrote:
Well, for starters, don't put it in the flags.
What if the trans-mem pass runs (IE passes the gate function) but
actually does nothing?  If it's in the flags, it will still rebuild
You should return TODO_rebuild_alias from the ipa_tm_execute function
iff trans-mem actually does something that will break aliasing.

It's probably fine where it is. Given that the pass is gated by the existance of transaction regions, and that we should have eliminated empty regions earlier, the chances of there being nothing to transform ought to be really pretty small.

That said, Aldy, what Dan is looking for is to return TODO_rebuild_alias iff expand_assign_tm makes a change.


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