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Re: [trunk<-vta] Re: [vta,vta4.3,trunk?] introduce -fcompare-debug

On Tue, Jun 02, 2009 at 04:50:36PM -0700, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
> > Honestly, I don't know what you're getting at.  Even -fdump-* are recent
> > additions, earlier it was just -d<letter>.  I don't recall whether
> > --param is newer or older, but I don't see what âfor developersâ means.
> > For GCC developers?  Or for GCC users that are developers, rather than
> > say gentoo users?  I took your statement as meaning GCC developers,
> > which is what got me to question it with -fdump-*, but even if you meant
> > GCC users that are developers, I don't quite see the distinction you're
> > suggesting between -fwhatever=N and --param whatever=N, and the manual
> > doesn't mention it either.  The one bit that appears to point in that
> > direction is the paragraph about the options being related with
> > internals and subject to change without notice.  That's certainly not
> > the case of -fcompare-debug.  Besides, --param opt=N requires N to be a
> > number, whereas -fcompare-debug[="opt opt"] can take multiple
> > command-line options.
> Yes, I mean for gcc developers.  It's a good point that --param only
> takes numeric arguments.  My point is simply that this option, if we
> include it, would never be for end-users of gcc (who are, yes,
> themselves developers), and should be named and documented accordingly.

-fdbg-cnt= (which is another option that is for developers only
and is far riskier than -fcompare-debug, stopping some optimization passes
at arbitrary spots) isn't documented that way either.


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