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Re: Fix for PR/39548

> I'm confused.  Didn't you say that you had reduced the test case to
> ~8k upthread?

Probably some confusion.  I've attached a version at 46.5K and 1035 lines.
I think this could be improved and < 1000 lines should be reachable.

Eric Botcazou
// PR 39548 verify ssa ICE

// { dg-do compile }
// { dg-options "-O2 -fno-exceptions -fno-tree-vrp -fprofile-generate" }

#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

   typedef unsigned int uint;
   extern void free (void *);

    namespace std  {
     template<typename _FIter, typename _Tp>     _FIter     lower_bound(_FIter, _FIter, const _Tp&);
    namespace __gnu_cxx {
     template<class _Key> struct hash {};
     template<class _Val> struct _Hashtable_node     {
        _Hashtable_node* _M_next;
        _Val _M_val;
     template<class _Val, class _Key, class _HashFcn,     class _ExtractKey, class _EqualKey, class _Alloc>     struct _Hashtable_iterator;
     static const unsigned long __stl_prime_list[] =     {
        1610612741ul, 3221225473ul, 4294967291ul     };
     inline unsigned long   __stl_next_prime(unsigned long __n)   {
      const unsigned long* __first = __stl_prime_list;
      const unsigned long* __last = __stl_prime_list + 29;
      const unsigned long* pos = std::lower_bound(__first, __last, __n);
      return pos == __last ? *(__last - 1) : *pos;
     template<class _Val, class _Key, class _HashFcn,     class _ExtractKey, class _EqualKey, class _Alloc>     class hashtable     {
      public:       typedef _Key key_type;
        typedef _Val value_type;
        typedef _HashFcn hasher;
        typedef _EqualKey key_equal;
        typedef size_t size_type;
        typedef value_type& reference;
        typedef _Hashtable_node<_Val> _Node;
      public:       typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind<value_type>::other allocator_type;
        allocator_type       get_allocator() const       {
      private:       typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind<_Node>::other _Node_Alloc;
        typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind<_Node*>::other _Nodeptr_Alloc;
        typedef vector<_Node*, _Nodeptr_Alloc> _Vector_type;
        _Node_Alloc _M_node_allocator;
        void       _M_put_node(_Node* __p)       {
 _M_node_allocator.deallocate(__p, 1);
      private:       hasher _M_hash;
        key_equal _M_equals;
        _ExtractKey _M_get_key;
        _Vector_type _M_buckets;
        size_type _M_num_elements;
      public:       typedef _Hashtable_iterator<_Val, _Key, _HashFcn, _ExtractKey,       _EqualKey, _Alloc>         iterator;
        hashtable(size_type __n, const _HashFcn& __hf,   const _EqualKey& __eql,   const allocator_type& __a = allocator_type())       : _M_node_allocator(__a), _M_hash(__hf), _M_equals(__eql),  _M_get_key(_ExtractKey()), _M_buckets(__a), _M_num_elements(0)       {
        ~hashtable()       {
        reference       find_or_insert(const value_type& __obj);
        size_type       count(const key_type& __key) const       {
  const size_type __n = _M_bkt_num_key(__key);
  size_type __result = 0;
  for (const _Node* __cur = _M_buckets[__n];
       __cur = __cur->_M_next)    if (_M_equals(_M_get_key(__cur->_M_val), __key))      ++__result;
  return __result;
        size_type       erase(const key_type& __key);
        void       clear();
      private:       size_type       _M_next_size(size_type __n) const       {
 return __stl_next_prime(__n);
        void       _M_initialize_buckets(size_type __n)       {
  const size_type __n_buckets = _M_next_size(__n);
  _M_buckets.insert(_M_buckets.end(), __n_buckets, (_Node*) 0);
  _M_num_elements = 0;
        size_type       _M_bkt_num_key(const key_type& __key) const       {
 return _M_bkt_num_key(__key, _M_buckets.size());
        size_type       _M_bkt_num_key(const key_type& __key, size_t __n) const       {
 return _M_hash(__key) % __n;
        void       _M_delete_node(_Node* __n)       {
     template<class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _Ex, class _Eq, class _All>     typename hashtable<_Val, _Key, _HF, _Ex, _Eq, _All>::size_type     hashtable<_Val, _Key, _HF, _Ex, _Eq, _All>::     erase(const key_type& __key)     {
        const size_type __n = _M_bkt_num_key(__key);
        _Node* __first = _M_buckets[__n];
        if (__first)  {
    _Node* __cur = __first;
     template<class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _Ex, class _Eq, class _All>     void     hashtable<_Val, _Key, _HF, _Ex, _Eq, _All>::     clear()     {
        if (_M_num_elements == 0)         return;
        for (size_type __i = 0;
  __i < _M_buckets.size();
  ++__i)  {
    _Node* __cur = _M_buckets[__i];
    while (__cur != 0)      {        _Node* __next = __cur->_M_next;        _M_delete_node(__cur);        __cur = __next;      }
    _M_buckets[__i] = 0;
        _M_num_elements = 0;
     using std::equal_to;
    namespace __gnu_cxx {
     using std::_Select1st;
     template<class _Key, class _Tp, class _HashFn = hash<_Key>,     class _EqualKey = equal_to<_Key>, class _Alloc = allocator<_Tp> >     class hash_map     {
      private:       typedef hashtable<pair<const _Key, _Tp>,_Key, _HashFn,    _Select1st<pair<const _Key, _Tp> >,    _EqualKey, _Alloc> _Ht;
        _Ht _M_ht;
      public:       typedef typename _Ht::key_type key_type;
        typedef typename _Ht::value_type value_type;
        typedef typename _Ht::hasher hasher;
        typedef typename _Ht::key_equal key_equal;
        typedef typename _Ht::size_type size_type;
        typedef typename _Ht::allocator_type allocator_type;
        hash_map()       : _M_ht(100, hasher(), key_equal(), allocator_type()) {}
        _Tp&       operator[](const key_type& __key)       {
 return _M_ht.find_or_insert(value_type(__key, _Tp())).second;
        size_type count(const key_type& __key) const { return _M_ht.count(__key); }
        size_type erase(const key_type& __key) { return _M_ht.erase(__key); }
    using __gnu_cxx::hash;
    using __gnu_cxx::hash_map;
    typedef int int32;
    typedef long long int64;
    typedef unsigned int uint32;
    typedef unsigned long long uint64;
    extern "C" {
   extern void *memset (void *__s, int __c, size_t __n);
   extern size_t strlen (__const char *__s);
    typedef unsigned long int uintptr_t;
    typedef uint64 Fprint;
    const Fprint kIllegalFprint = static_cast<Fprint>(0);
    template <class C> class scoped_ptr {
    public:   typedef C element_type;
     explicit scoped_ptr(C* p = __null) : ptr_(p) {
      delete ptr_;
     void reset(C* p = __null) {
      if (p != ptr_) {
       delete ptr_;
       ptr_ = p;
     C& operator*() const {}
     C* operator->() const {}
     C* get() const {}
     bool operator==(C* p) const { return ptr_ == p; }
     bool operator!=(C* p) const { return ptr_ != p; }
    private:   C* ptr_;
    using std::equal_to;
    using std::unary_function;
    using std::ostream;
    class RandomBase {};
    class ACMRandom : public RandomBase {};
    namespace std __attribute__ ((__visibility__ ("default"))) {
     class strstreambuf : public basic_streambuf<char, char_traits<char> >   {
    public:   public:     explicit strstreambuf(streamsize __initial_capacity = 0);
     class strstream : public basic_iostream<char>   {
    public:     typedef char char_type;
      int pcount() const;
      char* str();
    private:     strstreambuf _M_buf;
    using std::strstream;
    class FlagRegisterer {
    public:   FlagRegisterer(const char* name, const char* type,                  const char* help, const char* filename,                  void* current_storage, void* defvalue_storage);
    typedef int LogSeverity;
    const int INFO = 0, WARNING = 1, ERROR = 2, FATAL = 3, NUM_SEVERITIES = 4;
    struct foo_1 {
     foo_1(string* str) : str_(str) {}
     operator bool() const {
  return (__builtin_expect(str_ != __null, 0));
     string* str_;
    inline unsigned long long GetReferenceableValue(unsigned long long t) {
    template<class t1, class t2> string* Makefoo_1(const t1& v1, const t2& v2, const char* names) {
     strstream ss;
     ss << names << " (" << v1 << " vs. " << v2 << ")";
     return new string(ss.str(), ss.pcount());
    template <class t1, class t2> inline string* Check_GTImpl(const t1& v1, const t2& v2, const char* names) {
   if (v1 > v2) return __null;
   else return Makefoo_1(v1, v2, names);
    class blah_54 {
   public:   typedef void (blah_54::*SendMethod)();
     blah_54(const char* file, int line, LogSeverity severity, int ctr,              SendMethod send_method);
     blah_54(const char* file, int line, LogSeverity severity);
     void SendToLog();
     ostream& stream() {
    class blah_0 : public blah_54 {
    public:   blah_0(const char* file, int line);
     blah_0(const char* file, int line, const foo_1& result);
    template <class Value, class Key, class HashFcn,           class ExtractKey, class EqualKey, class Alloc> class dense_hashtable;
    template <class V, class K, class HF, class ExK, class EqK, class A> struct dense_hashtable_iterator {
    public:   typedef dense_hashtable_iterator<V,K,HF,ExK,EqK,A> iterator;
     typedef V* pointer;
     dense_hashtable_iterator(const dense_hashtable<V,K,HF,ExK,EqK,A> *h,                            pointer it, pointer it_end, bool advance)     : ht(h), pos(it), end(it_end) { if (advance) advance_past_empty_and_deleted(); }
     pointer operator->() const { }
     void advance_past_empty_and_deleted() {
      while ( pos != end && (ht->test_empty(*this) || ht->test_deleted(*this)) )       ++pos;
     bool operator==(const iterator& it) const { return pos == it.pos; }
     bool operator!=(const iterator& it) const { }
     const dense_hashtable<V,K,HF,ExK,EqK,A> *ht;
     pointer pos, end;
    template <class V, class K, class HF, class ExK, class EqK, class A> struct dense_hashtable_const_iterator {
    public:   typedef dense_hashtable_iterator<V,K,HF,ExK,EqK,A> iterator;
     typedef dense_hashtable_const_iterator<V,K,HF,ExK,EqK,A> const_iterator;
     typedef const V& reference;
     typedef const V* pointer;
     dense_hashtable_const_iterator(const dense_hashtable<V,K,HF,ExK,EqK,A> *h,                                  pointer it, pointer it_end, bool advance)     : ht(h), pos(it), end(it_end) {
      if (advance) advance_past_empty_and_deleted();
     dense_hashtable_const_iterator(const iterator &it)     : ht(, pos(it.pos), end(it.end) {}
     reference operator*() const { return *pos; }
     pointer operator->() const {}
     void advance_past_empty_and_deleted() {
      while ( pos != end && (ht->test_empty(*this) || ht->test_deleted(*this))) ++pos;
     const_iterator& operator++() {
     bool operator!=(const const_iterator& it) const {}
     const dense_hashtable<V,K,HF,ExK,EqK,A> *ht;
     pointer pos, end;
    template <class Value, class Key, class HashFcn,           class ExtractKey, class EqualKey, class Alloc> class dense_hashtable {
    public:   typedef Key key_type;
     typedef Value value_type;
     typedef HashFcn hasher;
     typedef EqualKey key_equal;
     typedef size_t size_type;
     typedef dense_hashtable_iterator<Value, Key, HashFcn,                                    ExtractKey, EqualKey, Alloc>   iterator;
     typedef dense_hashtable_const_iterator<Value, Key, HashFcn,                                           ExtractKey, EqualKey, Alloc>   const_iterator;
     static const float HT_OCCUPANCY_FLT;
     static const float HT_EMPTY_FLT;
     static const size_t HT_MIN_BUCKETS = 32;
     iterator end() {
     return iterator(this, table + num_buckets, table + num_buckets, true);
     const_iterator begin() const {
  return const_iterator(this, table, table+num_buckets,true);
     const_iterator end() const {
  return const_iterator(this, table + num_buckets, table+num_buckets,true);
    private:   void set_value(value_type* dst, const value_type& src) {
      new(dst) value_type(src);
     void destroy_buckets(size_type first, size_type last) {
      for (; first != last; ++first) table[first].~value_type();
    private:   void squash_deleted() {
      if ( num_deleted ) {
       dense_hashtable tmp(*this);
    public:   void set_deleted_key(const value_type &val) {
      use_deleted = true;
      use_deleted = false;
     bool test_deleted(size_type bucknum) const {
      return (use_deleted && num_deleted > 0 &&             equals(get_key(delval), get_key(table[bucknum])));
     bool test_deleted(const const_iterator &it) const {
      return (use_deleted && num_deleted > 0 &&             equals(get_key(delval), get_key(*it)));
     bool set_deleted(const_iterator &it) {
      bool retval = !test_deleted(it);
      set_value(const_cast<value_type*>(&(*it)), delval);
    public:   bool test_empty(size_type bucknum) const {
      return equals(get_key(emptyval), get_key(table[bucknum]));
     bool test_empty(const const_iterator &it) const {
      return equals(get_key(emptyval), get_key(*it));
     void fill_range_with_empty(value_type* table_start, value_type* table_end) {
      uninitialized_fill(table_start, table_end, emptyval);
     void set_empty(size_type buckstart, size_type buckend) {
      destroy_buckets(buckstart, buckend);
      fill_range_with_empty(table + buckstart, table + buckend);
    public:   size_type size() const {
  return num_elements - num_deleted;
     size_type bucket_count() const {
  return num_buckets;
    private:   static const size_type ILLEGAL_BUCKET = size_type(-1);
    private:   size_type min_size(size_type num_elts, size_type min_buckets_wanted) {
      size_type sz = HT_MIN_BUCKETS;
      while ( sz < min_buckets_wanted || num_elts >= sz * enlarge_resize_percent )       sz *= 2;
      return sz;
     void maybe_shrink() {
      if (shrink_threshold > 0 &&         (num_elements-num_deleted) < shrink_threshold &&         bucket_count() > HT_MIN_BUCKETS ) {
       size_type sz = bucket_count() / 2;
         sz /= 2;
       dense_hashtable tmp(*this, sz);
      consider_shrink = false;
     void resize_delta(size_type delta, size_type min_buckets_wanted = 0) {
      if ( consider_shrink )       maybe_shrink();
      if ( bucket_count() > min_buckets_wanted &&          (num_elements + delta) <= enlarge_threshold )       return;
      const size_type needed_size = min_size(num_elements + delta,                                            min_buckets_wanted);
      if ( needed_size > bucket_count() ) {
       const size_type resize_to = min_size(num_elements - num_deleted + delta,                                            min_buckets_wanted);
       dense_hashtable tmp(*this, resize_to);
     void copy_from(const dense_hashtable &ht, size_type min_buckets_wanted = 0) {
      const size_type resize_to = min_size(ht.size(), min_buckets_wanted);
      if ( resize_to > bucket_count() ) {
    public:   void resize(size_type req_elements) {
     explicit dense_hashtable(size_type n = 0,                            const HashFcn& hf = HashFcn(),                            const EqualKey& eql = EqualKey(),                            const ExtractKey& ext = ExtractKey())     : hash(hf), equals(eql), get_key(ext), num_deleted(0),       use_deleted(false), use_empty(false),       delval(), emptyval(), enlarge_resize_percent(HT_OCCUPANCY_FLT),       shrink_resize_percent(HT_EMPTY_FLT), table(__null),       num_buckets(min_size(0, n)), num_elements(0) {
     dense_hashtable(const dense_hashtable& ht, size_type min_buckets_wanted = 0)     : hash(ht.hash), equals(ht.equals), get_key(ht.get_key), num_deleted(0),       use_deleted(ht.use_deleted), use_empty(ht.use_empty),       delval(ht.delval), emptyval(ht.emptyval),       enlarge_resize_percent(ht.enlarge_resize_percent),       shrink_resize_percent(ht.shrink_resize_percent), table(__null),       num_buckets(0), num_elements(0) {
      copy_from(ht, min_buckets_wanted);
     dense_hashtable& operator= (const dense_hashtable& ht) {
      set_value(&emptyval, ht.emptyval);
      enlarge_resize_percent = ht.enlarge_resize_percent;
      shrink_resize_percent = ht.shrink_resize_percent;
     ~dense_hashtable() {
      if (table) {
       destroy_buckets(0, num_buckets);
     void swap(dense_hashtable& ht) {
      std::swap(equals, ht.equals);
       value_type tmp;
       set_value(&tmp, delval);
       set_value(&delval, ht.delval);
       set_value(&ht.delval, tmp);
       set_value(&ht.emptyval, tmp);
      std::swap(table, ht.table);
      std::swap(num_buckets, ht.num_buckets);
      std::swap(num_elements, ht.num_elements);
     void clear() {
      if (table)       destroy_buckets(0, num_buckets);
      num_buckets = min_size(0,0);
      if (table) {
       set_empty(0, num_buckets);
      num_elements = 0;
      num_deleted = 0;
    private:   pair<size_type, size_type> find_position(const key_type &key) const {
      const size_type bucket_count_minus_one = bucket_count() - 1;
      size_type bucknum = hash(key) & bucket_count_minus_one;
      size_type insert_pos = ILLEGAL_BUCKET;
      while ( 1 ) {
       if ( test_empty(bucknum) ) {         if ( insert_pos == ILLEGAL_BUCKET )           return pair<size_type,size_type>(ILLEGAL_BUCKET, insert_pos);       }
 else if ( test_deleted(bucknum) ) {         if ( insert_pos == ILLEGAL_BUCKET )           insert_pos = bucknum;       }
 else if ( equals(key, get_key(table[bucknum])) ) {         return pair<size_type,size_type>(bucknum, ILLEGAL_BUCKET);       }
    public:   iterator random_element(ACMRandom* r) {
     iterator find(const key_type& key) {
      if ( size() == 0 ) return end();
      pair<size_type, size_type> pos = find_position(key);
      if ( pos.first == ILLEGAL_BUCKET )       return end();
      else       return iterator(this, table + pos.first, table + num_buckets, false);
     const_iterator find(const key_type& key) const {
      if ( size() == 0 ) return end();
      pair<size_type, size_type> pos = find_position(key);
      if ( pos.first == ILLEGAL_BUCKET )       return end();
      else       return const_iterator(this, table + pos.first, table+num_buckets, false);
     size_type count(const key_type &key) const {
      pair<size_type, size_type> pos = find_position(key);
    private:   pair<iterator, bool> insert_noresize(const value_type& obj) {
      const pair<size_type,size_type> pos = find_position(get_key(obj));
      if ( pos.first != ILLEGAL_BUCKET) {
       return pair<iterator,bool>(iterator(this, table + pos.first,                                           table + num_buckets, false),                                  false);
  else {
       if ( test_deleted(pos.second) ) {         ++num_elements;       }
       return pair<iterator,bool>(iterator(this, table + pos.second,                                           table + num_buckets, false),                                  true);
    public:   pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type& obj) {
      return insert_noresize(obj);
     size_type erase(const key_type& key) {
      const_iterator pos = find(key);
      if ( pos != end() ) {
    private:   hasher hash;
     key_equal equals;
     ExtractKey get_key;
     size_type num_deleted;
     bool use_deleted;
     bool use_empty;
     value_type delval;
     value_type emptyval;
     float enlarge_resize_percent;
     float shrink_resize_percent;
     size_type shrink_threshold;
     size_type enlarge_threshold;
     value_type *table;
     size_type num_buckets;
     size_type num_elements;
     bool consider_shrink;
     void reset_thresholds() {
      enlarge_threshold = static_cast<size_type>(num_buckets                                               * shrink_resize_percent);
      consider_shrink = false;
    template <class V, class K, class HF, class ExK, class EqK, class A> const float dense_hashtable<V,K,HF,ExK,EqK,A>::HT_EMPTY_FLT = 0.4f * dense_hashtable<V,K,HF,ExK,EqK,A>::HT_OCCUPANCY_FLT;
    namespace __gnu_cxx {
   template<> struct hash<int64> {
    size_t operator()(int64 x) const {}
   template<> struct hash<uint64> {
    size_t operator()(uint64 x) const {}
    template <class Key, class T, class HashFcn = hash<Key>,           class EqualKey = equal_to<Key>, class Alloc = allocator<T> > class dense_hash_map {
    private:   struct SelectKey {
      const Key& operator()(const pair<const Key, T>& p) const { return p.first; }
     typedef dense_hashtable<pair<const Key, T>, Key, HashFcn,                           SelectKey, EqualKey, Alloc> ht;
     ht rep;
    public:   typedef typename ht::key_type key_type;
     typedef T data_type;
     typedef typename ht::value_type value_type;
     typedef typename ht::size_type size_type;
     typedef typename ht::iterator iterator;
     typedef typename ht::const_iterator const_iterator;
     iterator end() { return rep.end(); }
     const_iterator begin() const { return rep.begin(); }
     void clear() { rep.clear(); }
     iterator find(const key_type& key) { return rep.find(key); }
     data_type& operator[](const key_type& key) {
     iterator it = find(key);
     if (it != end()) {
       return insert(value_type(key, data_type())).first->second;
     pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type& obj) {
  return rep.insert(obj);
     void set_deleted_key(const key_type& key) {
      rep.set_deleted_key(value_type(key, data_type()));
     size_type erase(const key_type& key) { return rep.erase(key); }
    template <class Value, class HashFcn = hash<Value>,           class EqualKey = equal_to<Value>, class Alloc = allocator<Value> > class dense_hash_set {
    private:   struct Identity {
      const Value& operator()(const Value& v) const { return v; }
     typedef dense_hashtable<Value, Value, HashFcn, Identity, EqualKey, Alloc> ht;
     ht rep;
    public:   typedef typename ht::key_type key_type;
     typedef typename ht::value_type value_type;
     typedef typename ht::size_type size_type;
     typedef typename ht::const_iterator iterator;
     size_type count(const key_type& key) const { return rep.count(key); }
     pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type& obj) {
      pair<typename ht::iterator, bool> p = rep.insert(obj);
     void set_empty_key(const key_type& key) {}
     void set_deleted_key(const key_type& key) { rep.set_deleted_key(key); }
     size_type erase(const key_type& key) {
  return rep.erase(key);
    class linked_ptr_internal {
    public:   void join_new() {}
     bool depart() { if (next_ == this) return true; }
    private:   mutable linked_ptr_internal const* next_;
    template <typename T> class linked_ptr {
    public:   typedef T element_type;
     explicit linked_ptr(T* ptr = __null) {}
     ~linked_ptr() { depart(); }
     void reset(T* ptr = __null) { depart(); }
     T* get() const {}
     T& operator*() const {}
    private:   T* value_;
     linked_ptr_internal link_;
     void depart() { if (link_.depart()) delete value_; }
    template <class R, class A1> class blah_2 {
    public:   virtual ~blah_2() {}
     virtual R Run(A1) = 0;
    class blah_3 {
    private:   const char* ptr_;
     int length_;
    public: blah_3() {}
     blah_3(const char* str) : ptr_(str), length_((str == __null) ? 0 : static_cast<int>(strlen(str))) {}
    class blah_5;
    class Bitmap {
    public: Bitmap(uint32 size, bool fill) : array_size_(RequiredArraySize(size)) {}
     void SetAll(bool value) {
      memset(map_, (value ? 0xFF : 0x00), array_size_ * sizeof(*map_));
     void Clear() { SetAll(false); }
     static uint32 RequiredArraySize(uint32 num_bits) {
      return (num_bits + kIntBits - 1) >> kLogIntBits;
     static const int kIntBits = 32;
     static const int kLogIntBits = 5;
     uint32* map_;
     uint32 array_size_;
    enum blah_31 {
     CREATIVE_FORMAT_TEXT_NARROW = 1,   CREATIVE_FORMAT_IMAGE = 2,   kNumblah_31s = 13 };
    enum blah_32 {
     ttttttt_0 = 0,   ttttttt_1 = 1,   ttttttt_2 = 2,   ttttttt_3 };
    enum blah_52 {
     ttttttt_4 = 0,   ttttttt_5 = 1,   ttttttt_6 = 2,   ttttttt_7 = 3, };
    enum blah_33 {
    template <typename EnumT> class blah_55;
    typedef blah_55<blah_31> blah_31Set;
    enum blah_35 {
     FAMILY_SAFE, };
    enum blah_36 {
    enum blah_37 {
     hahah_INVALID = 0,   hahah_KEYWORD = 1,   hahah_PHRASE = 2,   hahah_PROXIMITY_TARGET = 15,   hahah_POLYGON_TARGET = 16,                      pppp_CPC_LIVE,                      BAD_MIN_CPC_UNKNOWN };
    template<typename EnumT> class blah_55 {
    public:   blah_55(int enum_size);
     bool Insert(EnumT x);
     void Clear() {
     const int enum_size_;
     Bitmap elements_;
    template<typename EnumT> blah_55<EnumT>::blah_55(int enum_size)     : enum_size_(enum_size),       elements_(enum_size, false) {
     while (foo_1 _result = Check_GTImpl(GetReferenceableValue(enum_size), GetReferenceableValue(0), "enum_size" " " ">" " " "0")) blah_0(".h", 1902, _result).stream();
    enum blah_38 {
     ttttttt_8 = 0,   ttttttt_9 = 10,   ttttttt_10 = 11,   ttttttt_11 = 0,   ttttttt_12 = 1,   ttttttt_13 = ttttttt_12, };
    class blah_46 {
    public:   static const int kNone = 0;
     blah_46()       : hahaha_id_(0),         type_(hahah_INVALID),         approval_status_(APPROVAL_STATUS_APPROVED) {
     blah_46(int64 cid)       : hahaha_id_(cid),         type_(hahah_INVALID),         approval_status_(APPROVAL_STATUS_APPROVED) {
     int64 id() const {
      return (static_cast<int64>(hahaha_id_) << 16) >> 16;
     static const blah_46 kBlacklistedID;
     bool operator == (const blah_46& x) const { return id() ==; }
     bool operator < (const blah_46& x) const { return id() <; }
     friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &s, const blah_46 &x) { return s <<; }
    private:   int64 hahaha_id_ : 48;
     blah_37 type_ : 8;
     blah_36 approval_status_ : 4;
    namespace __gnu_cxx {
   template <> struct hash<blah_46> {
    size_t operator()(const blah_46 &x) const { return size_t(; }
    class blah_57 {
    public:   blah_57();
     void AddReason(blah_33 reason, const blah_3& debug_str, const blah_46& hahaha_id, bool );
     void set_collects_multiple_reasons(bool t) {
      collects_multiple_reasons_ = t;
    private:   struct foo_3 { string reject_desc; };
     bool collects_multiple_reasons_;
     foo_3 first_reason_;
    template <class T> struct foo_5 : public unary_function<T*, int64> {
     int64 operator()(const T* p) const {
      uintptr_t id = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(p);
      if (id < 2) return -id;
    template <class T> class DensePtrSet : public dense_hashtable<T*, int64,                hash<int64>, foo_5<T>, equal_to<int64>, allocator<T*> > {
    public:   DensePtrSet() {
     const T* Find(int64 key) const {
      typename DensePtrSet<T>::const_iterator it = this->find(key);
      return it != this->end() ? *it : __null;
    enum blah_40 { AS_APPROVED = 0, AS_AUTOMATIC = 2, AS_INVALID = 7 };
    struct foo_6 { int count; };
    struct foo_7 {
     foo_7(       const foo_6* r,       bool spell_correction,       bool query_broadening,       bool previous_query,       bool near_aaaaa,       bool same_length,       float mult,       float exp_score) :       shengmo_0(spell_correction),       shengmo_1(query_broadening),       shengmo_2(previous_query),       shengmo_3(near_aaaaa),       shengmo_4(same_length),       multiplier(mult),       expansion_score(exp_score) {
     int CompareSameKeywordMatch(const foo_7& compare) const;
     foo_6 related_words_rewrites;
     bool shengmo_0;
     bool shengmo_1;
     bool shengmo_2;
     bool shengmo_3;
     bool shengmo_4;
     float multiplier;
     float expansion_score;
    class foo_12;
    class blah_7;
    namespace hmmmmh_2 {
   enum blah_41 {
    struct foo_8 {
     foo_8()       : agmi1(__null),         agmi2(__null),         sssr_id(0),         packed_ctr1(0) {
     const foo_12* agmi1;
     const foo_12* agmi2;
     int64 sssr_id;
     uint32 packed_ctr1;
    typedef blah_2<            int, const struct foo_8&> AGCTiebreakerCallback;
    class blah_8 {
    public:   enum blah_42 {
      ttttttt_14 = 0,     ttttttt_15 = 1,     ttttttt_16 = 2,     ttttttt_17 = 5,     ttttttt_18 = 6,     ttttttt_2_REWRITE = 7,     ttttttt_20 = 16,   };
    struct foo_9 {
     foo_9()  {}
     const foo_7* expanded_rrrrrrr_info;
    class blah_13 {};
    class blah_14 {
    public:   blah_14();
    namespace hmmmmh_1 {
   class blah_15;
    class blah_16;
    class foo_14;
    class blah_17;
    class foo_12 {
    public:   foo_12() {}
     uint64 hahaha_id() const { return hahaha_id_; }
     const foo_9* kw_info() const {}
     blah_32 query_coverage() const {}
     blah_8::blah_42 rrrrrrr_type() const {}
     const foo_7* expanded_rrrrrrr_info() const {
      return kw_info_->expanded_rrrrrrr_info; }
     bool shengmo_1() const {
      return expanded_rrrrrrr_info() && expanded_rrrrrrr_info()->shengmo_1;
     bool shengmo_6() const {
      return expanded_rrrrrrr_info() && expanded_rrrrrrr_info()->shengmo_2;
     bool shengmo_3_rrrrrrr() const {
      return expanded_rrrrrrr_info() && expanded_rrrrrrr_info()->shengmo_3;
     bool shengmo_8() const { return agc_status_ == AS_AUTOMATIC; }
     uint32 qbb_score() const {}
     blah_14* hmmmmh_22();
     bool shengmo_9() const {}
     int shengmo_10() const { if (shengmo_9()) return shengmo_10_; }
     int hmmmmh_21(const foo_12& x,                              bool shengmo_11) const;
     int Compare(const foo_12& x,               AGCTiebreakerCallback* c,               bool shengmo_11,               int64 ad_group_id) const;
     int hmmmmh_24(const foo_12& x,                            const foo_14& cmi,                            AGCTiebreakerCallback* c,                            int64 ad_group_id) const;
     int hmmmmh_23(const foo_12& x,                                  const foo_14& cmi,                                  AGCTiebreakerCallback* c,                                  int64 ad_group_id) const;
    private:   static const vector<blah_46> hmmmmh_4;
     static const foo_9 kEmptyfoo_9;
     int64 hahaha_id_ : 40;
     int shengmo_10_ : 11;
     blah_40 agc_status_ : 3;
     const foo_9* kw_info_;
     linked_ptr<blah_14> best_geo_rrrrrrr_;
     int32 alternate_index_;
     friend class foo_13;
    class foo_13 {
    public:   typedef dense_hash_map<int64, int> BestMap;
     foo_13() { best_rrrrrrr_.set_deleted_key(-1); }
     void clear() {
     void erase(int64 ad_group_id) { best_rrrrrrr_.erase(ad_group_id); }
     typedef BestMap::iterator iterator;
     typedef BestMap::const_iterator const_iterator;
     const_iterator begin() const { return best_rrrrrrr_.begin(); }
     iterator end() { return best_rrrrrrr_.end(); }
     iterator find(int64 ad_group_id) {
      return best_rrrrrrr_.find(ad_group_id);
     const foo_12& GetMatch(const_iterator it) const {
      return rrrrrrr_buffer_[it->second];
     void hmmmmh_27(int64 ad_group_id, const foo_12& addme);
     bool hmmmmh_28(iterator best_rrrrrrr,                         const foo_12& addme);
     bool AddAlternateMatch(iterator best_rrrrrrr,                          const foo_12& addme);
     const foo_12* hmmmmh_25(const foo_12& ag_rrrrrrr) const;
     foo_12* hmmmmh_26(foo_12* ag_rrrrrrr,                                          foo_14* cmi,                                          int64 ad_group_id);
    private:   BestMap best_rrrrrrr_;
     vector<foo_12> rrrrrrr_buffer_;
    struct foo_10 : public dense_hash_set<blah_46> {
    class foo_9Set : public DensePtrSet<foo_9> {
    typedef map<blah_46, foo_7*> foo_6Data;
    typedef hash_map<int64, linked_ptr<blah_57> > RejectedAdGroupMap;
    class blah_18 {
    enum blah_43 {
    class foo_14 {
    public:   foo_14(const uint32 gather_flags,                     const blah_16* ad_request,                     const hmmmmh_1::blah_15* cr_query);
     bool GathersMultipleRejectionReasons() const;
     void hmmmmh_30(blah_46 hahaha_id, blah_38 type);
     const foo_7* Insertfoo_6(       const blah_46 hahaha_id,       const foo_6* related_words_rewrites,       bool shengmo_0,       bool shengmo_1,       bool shengmo_2,       bool shengmo_3,       bool shengmo_4_rewrite,       float multiplier,       float context_score);
     void hmmmmh_6(blah_46 hahaha_id,                                   blah_38 type);
     void hmmmmh_7(blah_46 hahaha_id,                                   blah_38 type);
     foo_9* Insertfoo_9(       const blah_46 hahaha_id,       const Fprint keyword_fp,       blah_32 query_coverage,       blah_8::blah_42 rrrrrrr_type,       int shengmo_10,       uint phrase_mask,       const blah_18* sub_query,       const foo_7* expanded_rrrrrrr_info,       int significant_phrase_weight,       float keyword_ctr,       const char* kw_text);
     bool hmmmmh_8(int64 ad_group_id, const foo_12 &entry);
     void hmmmmh_9(int64 ad_group_id);
     foo_13::iterator hmmmmh_0(int64 ad_group_id);
     bool hmmmmh_8(int64 ad_group_id, foo_13::iterator best,                           const foo_12& entry);
     void hmmmmh_5(const blah_46 hahaha_id);
     void hmmmmh_29(const blah_46 hahaha_id);
     bool hmmmmh_12(const blah_46 hahaha_id) const;
     bool hmmmmh_13(const blah_46 hahaha_id) const;
     const foo_9* Getfoo_9(const blah_46 hahaha_id) const;
     bool Gathersfoo_9() const {
      return gather_flags_ & GATHER_KEYWORD_INFO;
     bool GathersRejectedAdGroups() const {
      return gather_flags_ & GATHER_REJECTED_AD_GROUPS;
     const foo_10* rrrrrrr_type_data() const {}
     const foo_10* negative_rrrrrrr_type_data() const {}
     const foo_10* positive_rrrrrrr_type_data() const {}
     const foo_9Set* kw_info_set() const {}
     const foo_6Data* rewrite_data() const {}
     void hmmmmh_17(int count, const int32* values);
     void hmmmmh_18(blah_31 creative_format);
     const vector<blah_17>& query_rectangles() const {}
     void hmmmmh_14();
     void AddQueryRectangle(const blah_17& query_rectangle);
     bool hmmmmh_11(Fprint fp) const;
     void hmmmmh_15(int64 ad_group_id,                           const blah_46 hahaha_id,                           blah_33 reject_class,                           const char* reject_desc = __null);
     void hmmmmh_16(const vector<int64>& rejected_sssr_ids);
     void Copy(const foo_14& cmi);
     int hmmmmh_19(const foo_12& x,                            const foo_12& y) const;
     int hmmmmh_20(const foo_12& x,                               const foo_12& y,                               int64 ad_group_id) const;
     int CompareKeywordlessfoo_12(const foo_12& x,                                          const foo_12& y) const;
     bool automatic_hahaha_rrrrrrr() const {}
     void set_automatic_hahaha_rrrrrrr(bool automatic_hahaha_rrrrrrr) {
      automatic_hahaha_rrrrrrr_ = automatic_hahaha_rrrrrrr;
     void hmmmmh_10();
    private:   const blah_16* ad_request_;
     const hmmmmh_1::blah_15* cr_query_;
     blah_43 gather_flags_;
     vector<blah_17> query_rectangles_;
     foo_10 rrrrrrr_type_data_;
     foo_9Set kw_info_set_;
     foo_6Data rewrite_data_;
     scoped_ptr<RejectedAdGroupMap> rejected_sssr_map_;
     foo_13 ad_group_rrrrrrr_data_;
     vector<blah_46> geo_hahaha_;
     bool geo_hahaha_is_sorted_;
     foo_10 negative_rrrrrrr_type_data_;
     foo_10 positive_rrrrrrr_type_data_;
     scoped_ptr<foo_10> extra_hahaha_set_;
     int dimension_id_;
     blah_31Set creative_formats_;
     scoped_ptr<dense_hash_set<Fprint> > near_aaaaa_rrrrrrr_fps_;
     hmmmmh_2::blah_41 comparison_policy_;
     blah_46 next_virtual_hahaha_id_;
     AGCTiebreakerCallback* agc_tiebreaker_cb_;
     vector<blah_18*>* sub_queries_;
     bool allow_only_whitelisted_customers_;
     bool automatic_hahaha_rrrrrrr_;
     scoped_ptr<blah_5> kw_arena_;
     scoped_ptr<blah_5> expanded_rrrrrrr_arena_;
   class foo_11 {
   struct RoleSet {
     RoleSet() {  }
     dense_hash_set<string> roles_;
    class blah_19 {
     void hmmmmh_3();
     enum blah_45 {
     blah_45 default_protocol_state_;
    void blah_19::hmmmmh_3() {
     if (default_protocol_state_ != DEFAULT_DISABLED &&       default_protocol_state_ != DEFAULT_FORCED) {
      default_protocol_state_ = DEFAULT_SUSPENDED;
    class blah_16 : blah_13 {
     int near_aaaaa_rrrrrrr_fps_size() const {}
     uint64 near_aaaaa_rrrrrrr_fps(int i) const {}
    class blah_21 {
    protected:   blah_21(char* first_block, const size_t block_size, bool align_to_page);
     void* GetMemoryFallback(const size_t size, const int align);
     void* GetMemory(const size_t size, const int align) {
      if ( size > 0 && size < remaining_ && align == 1 ) {
       last_alloc_ = freestart_;
       freestart_ += size;
       remaining_ -= size;
      return GetMemoryFallback(size, align);
     void ReturnMemory(void* memory, const size_t size) {
      if ( memory == last_alloc_ && size == freestart_ - last_alloc_ ) {
       remaining_ += size;
     char* freestart_;
     char* last_alloc_;
     size_t remaining_;
    class blah_5 : blah_21 {
    public:   char* Alloc(const size_t size) {
      return reinterpret_cast<char*>(GetMemory(size, 1));
     void Free(void* memory, size_t size) {
      ReturnMemory(memory, size);
    class blah_25 { public:   virtual ~blah_25(); };
    class blah_17 : blah_25 {};

   static const int32 uuuuuuuuuu_0 = 32768;
   int32 uuuuuuuuuu_1 = uuuuuuuuuu_0;
   int32 uuuuuuuuuu_2 = uuuuuuuuuu_0;
   static FlagRegisterer o_ternate_rrrrrrres( "m", "i", "a" "n", "a", &uuuuuuuuuu_1, &uuuuuuuuuu_2);
   static const bool uuuuuuuuuu_3 = true;
   bool uuuuuuuuuu_4 = uuuuuuuuuu_3;
   bool uuuuuuuuuu_5 = uuuuuuuuuu_3;
   static FlagRegisterer o_gather_multiple_rejection_reasons( "g", "b", "w" "d", "a", &uuuuuuuuuu_4, &uuuuuuuuuu_5);
    void Fillfoo_8(const foo_12& x1, const foo_12& x2, const int& ad_group_id,      struct foo_8* out) { out->packed_ctr1 = x2.qbb_score(); }
    const vector<blah_46> foo_12::hmmmmh_4;
    const foo_9 foo_12::kEmptyfoo_9;
    foo_14::foo_14(     const uint32 gather_flags,     const blah_16* ad_request,     const hmmmmh_1::blah_15* cr_query):   ad_request_(ad_request),   cr_query_(cr_query),   gather_flags_(static_cast<blah_43>(gather_flags)),   geo_hahaha_is_sorted_(false),   extra_hahaha_set_(__null),   dimension_id_(0),   creative_formats_(kNumblah_31s),   near_aaaaa_rrrrrrr_fps_(__null),   comparison_policy_(hmmmmh_2::ACP_ECPM_EARLY),   agc_tiebreaker_cb_(__null),   sub_queries_(new vector<blah_18*>()),   allow_only_whitelisted_customers_(false),   automatic_hahaha_rrrrrrr_(false) {
    void foo_14::hmmmmh_5(const blah_46 hahaha_id) {
     if (extra_hahaha_set_ == __null) {
      extra_hahaha_set_.reset(new foo_10());
     void foo_14::hmmmmh_6(blah_46 hahaha_id, blah_38 type) {
    void foo_14::hmmmmh_7(blah_46 hahaha_id, blah_38 type) {
     hmmmmh_30(hahaha_id, type);
    foo_13::iterator foo_14::hmmmmh_0(     int64 ad_group_id) {
     return ad_group_rrrrrrr_data_.find(ad_group_id);
    bool foo_14::hmmmmh_8(int64 ad_group_id,                                            foo_13::iterator best, const foo_12& entry) {
     if (GathersRejectedAdGroups()) {
     if (best == ad_group_rrrrrrr_data_.end()) {
      ad_group_rrrrrrr_data_.hmmmmh_27(ad_group_id, entry);
     return ad_group_rrrrrrr_data_.AddAlternateMatch(best, entry);
    bool foo_14::hmmmmh_8(int64 ad_group_id,                                            const foo_12& entry) {
     foo_13::iterator best = hmmmmh_0(ad_group_id);
     return hmmmmh_8(ad_group_id, best, entry);
    void foo_14::hmmmmh_9(int64 ad_group_id) {
    void foo_14::hmmmmh_10() {
     if (near_aaaaa_rrrrrrr_fps_ != __null) {
      blah_54(".cc", 226, WARNING).stream() << "";
      near_aaaaa_rrrrrrr_fps_.reset(new dense_hash_set<Fprint>);
      for (int j = 0; j < ad_request_->near_aaaaa_rrrrrrr_fps_size(); j++) {
    const foo_7* foo_14::Insertfoo_6(     const blah_46 hahaha_id,     const foo_6* related_words_rewrites,     bool shengmo_0,     bool shengmo_1,     bool shengmo_2,     bool shengmo_3,     bool shengmo_4_rewrite,     float multiplier,     float context_score) {
     if (rrrrrrr_type_data_.count(hahaha_id) > 0) {
      return __null;

     foo_7* new_info =       new(expanded_rrrrrrr_arena_->Alloc(sizeof(foo_7)))       foo_7(           related_words_rewrites,           shengmo_0,           shengmo_1,           shengmo_2,           shengmo_3,           shengmo_4_rewrite,           multiplier,           context_score);
     pair<foo_6Data::iterator, bool> status = rewrite_data_.insert(       make_pair(hahaha_id, new_info));
     foo_7* inserted = status.first->second;
     if (!status.second) {
      if (inserted->CompareSameKeywordMatch(*new_info) < 0) {
       *inserted = *new_info;
      expanded_rrrrrrr_arena_->Free(new_info, sizeof(foo_7));
    foo_9* foo_14::Insertfoo_9(const blah_46 hahaha_id,     const Fprint keyword_fp,     blah_32 query_coverage,     blah_8::blah_42 rrrrrrr_type,     int shengmo_10,     uint phrase_mask,     const blah_18* sub_query,     const foo_7* expanded_rrrrrrr_info,     int significant_phrase_weight,     float keyword_ctr,     const char* kw_text) {
     foo_9* info = new(kw_arena_->Alloc(sizeof(foo_9))) foo_9;
     if (Gathersfoo_9()) {
    bool foo_14::hmmmmh_12(const blah_46 hahaha_id) const {
     if (rrrrrrr_type_data_.count(hahaha_id)) return true;
    bool foo_14::hmmmmh_13(     const blah_46 hahaha_id) const {
     if (positive_rrrrrrr_type_data_.count(hahaha_id)) {
      return true;
    const foo_9* foo_14::Getfoo_9(     const blah_46 hahaha_id) const {
     if (Gathersfoo_9()) {
      return kw_info_set_.Find(;
   static int occurrences_383 = 0, occurrences_mod_n_383 = 0;
   if (++occurrences_mod_n_383 > 1000) occurrences_mod_n_383 -= 1000;

    void foo_14::hmmmmh_15(int64 ad_group_id, const blah_46 hahaha_id,                blah_33 reject_class,  const char* reject_desc) {
     if (!GathersRejectedAdGroups()) return;
     if (rejected_sssr_map_ == __null) {
      blah_54("", 413, ERROR).stream() << "re NULL";
      rejected_sssr_map_.reset(new RejectedAdGroupMap);
     if (rejected_sssr_map_->count(ad_group_id) == 0) {
      blah_57* ad_rejection = new blah_57();
      ad_rejection->set_collects_multiple_reasons(         GathersMultipleRejectionReasons());
      (*rejected_sssr_map_)[ad_group_id] =         linked_ptr<blah_57>(ad_rejection);
     blah_57& ad_rejection = *(*rejected_sssr_map_)[ad_group_id];
     ad_rejection.AddReason(reject_class, reject_desc, hahaha_id, false);

  void foo_14::hmmmmh_16(const vector<int64>& rejected_sssr_ids) {
     for (vector<int64>::const_iterator it = rejected_sssr_ids.begin();
          it != rejected_sssr_ids.end(); ++it) {
      for (foo_13::const_iterator it = ad_group_rrrrrrr_data_.begin();
           it != ad_group_rrrrrrr_data_.end(); ++it) {
       hmmmmh_15(it->first,                         ad_group_rrrrrrr_data_.GetMatch(it).hahaha_id(),                          BLACKLISTED);
     hmmmmh_30(blah_46::kBlacklistedID, ttttttt_9);

  void foo_14::Copy(const foo_14& cmi) {
     rrrrrrr_type_data_ = *cmi.rrrrrrr_type_data();
     negative_rrrrrrr_type_data_ = *cmi.negative_rrrrrrr_type_data();
     positive_rrrrrrr_type_data_ = *cmi.positive_rrrrrrr_type_data();
     if (cmi.Gathersfoo_9()) {
      kw_info_set_ = *cmi.kw_info_set();
      rewrite_data_ = *cmi.rewrite_data();
     for (int i = 0; i < cmi.query_rectangles().size(); ++i)

  void foo_13::hmmmmh_27(int64 ad_group_id, const foo_12& addme) {
     int& best_index = best_rrrrrrr_[ad_group_id];
     best_index = rrrrrrr_buffer_.size();

  void foo_14::hmmmmh_29(const blah_46 hahaha_id) {
    if (extra_hahaha_set_ != __null) {

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