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Re: [v3] c++0x timed wait's in <condition_variable>

Hi Chris,

The pthread_condattr_setclock man page says:
"The default value of the clock attribute shall refer to the system clock."

At first I was thinking that the realtime system clock
(CLOCK_REALTIME) is the "system clock" but I'm not convinced since I
can't find any relation between what POSIX calls the "system clock"
like in the statement above and CLOCK_REALTIME.

It may be conincedence that the realtime clock and the "system clock"
have the same epoch and that's why it works. Not robust at all however
the following test passes on my machine:

#include <cassert>
#include <pthread.h>
int main()
 pthread_condattr_t a;
 clockid_t c;
 pthread_condattr_getclock(&a, &c);
 assert(c == CLOCK_REALTIME);
 return 0;


The c++0x WD states that the thread library should use monotonic
clocks wherever it can (n2723, 30.1.4 p2) so solution B here is only
temporary anyway.

Ah, this is important.

The gthread changes are minimal yes. A new type, __gthread_condattr_t,
and 3 functions __gthread_condattr_init/setclock/destroy. One issue is
that CLOCK_REALTIME/MONOTONIC are suppose to be of type "clockid_t" so
I guess we need a __gthread_clockid_t as well. So 2 types and 3

I'd rather go for the gthread solution so I can dial up a patch for
that if you agree.

Sure. Please make sure to post it in a separate thread, a minimum of rationale, CC Mark, maybe he will agree that this minor addition can be considered a small fix to the now established C++0x gthread facililties...

All this being said, I still think monotonic_clock should be separate
from system_clock because in our current setup, its impossible to get
a non-monotonic clock when _GLIBCXX_USE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC is defined.
The standard isn't very clear on this ... it says monotonic_clock's
is_monotonic must be true, yet it can be a synonym for system_clock
and system_clock's is_monotonic is unspecified. This confuses me.

I agree, well we are not alone about this type of confusion, I think, did you notice DR 859? Should be resolved here in S Francisco, high priority. If you think however, that this specific confusion is unrelated to 859, please send a DR to the attention of Howard ( ), or you can send him an email anyway meant to be a comment to 859.

By the way, I was about to point you to the Rationale section of POSIX, about our issue. I would not call it easy material ;) If didn't read it yet maybe could be the right time: the section is called "Rationale for the Monotonic Clock", in:


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