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Re: [PATCH] ada: Give better oversize warnings

Sorry, I sent a wrong example.

Here is another one which generates spurious messages:

with A;

package B is

   C_Max_Integer : constant Integer := A.The_Size;

   subtype T_Nb_Integer is Integer range 0 .. C_Max_Integer;

   type T_Tab_Integer is array (T_Nb_Integer range <>) of Integer; 

   C_Tab_Integer : constant T_Tab_Integer (1 .. C_Max_Integer) := 
     (others => 1);  

   type T_Info_Integer 
         (Nb : T_Nb_Integer := C_Max_Integer) is 
         Tab : T_Tab_Integer (1 .. Nb);  
      end record; 

   C_Info_Integer : constant T_Info_Integer := (Nb => C_Max_Integer, Tab => C_Tab_Integer);
end B;

package A is
   function The_Size return Integer; 
end B;
package body B is
   function The_Size return Integer is 
      return 1500;
   end The_Size;
end B;

I haven't checked also the following case:
procedure A is
    subtype Index is Natural range 1..10;
    subtype Length is Natural range 0..10;
    type A is array(Index range <>) of Integer;
    type Mutable(Size: Natural := 1) is
            Comp: A(1..Size);
        end record;
end A;

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