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[Ada] Size clauses and convention C on enumeration types.

Tested on i686-linux, commited on trunk

By default the compiler assumes that an enumeration type with convention C will
map to a C enum, and therefore should a size of Integer. However, the user may
provide a size clause on the type which must be respected. If the entity being
frozen is a subtype, the size clause may be inherited from the parent, and must
be respected as well. In either case a warning indicates to the user that the
C type must be chosen in accordance to the specified size.


   gnatmake -f -q testenum.adb

must produce the output: enumeration type with Convention C must have the size of a C int
Last =  3
SV   = A1

with Ada.Text_IO;
package CS_Common_Types is
  type SVID_Type is (M1, M2, A5, M4, M5, M6, A1, A2, A3, A4);
  for SVID_Type use (M1 => 1, M2 => 2, A5 => 3, M4 => 4, M5 => 5,
                               M6 => 6, A1 => 7, A2 => 8, A3 => 9, A4 => 10);

  for SVID_Type'Size use 8;

  pragma Convention (C, SVID_Type);

  package SVID_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Enumeration_IO (SVID_Type);

  function SVID_String (SVID : SVID_Type) return String;
end CS_Common_Types;
package body CS_Common_Types is
  function SVID_String (SVID : SVID_Type) return String
    return "";
  end SVID_String;
end CS_Common_Types;
with CS_Common_Types;  use CS_Common_Types; with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure TestEnum
  Last : Natural;
  Str   : String := " A1";
  SV   : SVID_Type;
  SVID_IO.Get (Str, SV, Last);

  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Last = " & Last'Img);   -- Outputs 3 as expected
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("SV   = " & SV'Img);     -- Raises exception
end TestEnum;

2008-05-20  Ed Schonberg  <>

	* freeze.adb
	(Freeze_Enumeration_Type): For a subtype that inherits a foreign
	convention from its base type, do not set the type to that of integer,
	because it may inherit a size clause.
	Warn on a size clause with a size different
	from that of Integer, if the type has convention C.

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