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Other format: [Raw text]

Re: [patch,fortran] PR33268 read ('(f3.3)'), a rejected due to the extra (...)

Jerry DeLisle wrote:
Hi Folks,

This patch provides for the "format" form of the READ and PRINT statements. By "format" form I mean with no UNIT specified. The patch also rejects the WRITE statement with this form. See section 9.5 of the F2003 Standard.

By example:

print('a'), 'Hello'       ! Invalid, missing parens inside format string
write(*,('(a)')) 'Hello'  ! Valid
write (*,'(f8.3)'), 3.141597  ! Extension, comma after the ')'
write ('(a)'), "invalid"  ! Invalid, "format" form not allowed for WRITE
print ('(a)'), "valid"    ! Valid, "format" form accepted
read ('(f3.3)')), a       ! Valid, "format form accepted

To accomplish this, I added a new expression pointer, extra_comma, to pass the io_kind and locus to gfc_resolve_dt. If this pointer is non-NULL, it indicates that an extra comma preceding the I/O list was encountered. This signals a possible alternate form of the I/O statement.

If the alternate form was used, the io_unit expression will come in as a character type of expression. If so, it is assumed to be a format expression and not a unit, and the pointers involved are adjusted so that the format expression refers to the character expression in io_unit, and the io_unit is pointed to the default unit for the io_kind.

The io_kind is passed in extra_comma->value.logical. I used this since it is an int and can hold the enumerator type without problem. Another option would be to add "io_kind k" to the union for value in gfc_expr, giving more readable code.

Regression tested on x86-64.

OK for trunk?


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