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Re: subreg rtl documentation

Kenneth Zadeck wrote:

I think that the big picture thinking was that richard and i had not only vetted the text with the community, but that unlike the many things that get vetted on the mailing list, this one did not turn into a flame war, so it was easy to put together a document that reflected the feelings of those that contributed. Given that at least two of the people that participated in that were gwm's who were instrumental in developing the parts of the compiler that used subregs, i think that david felt that it had been vetted enough and that this was not just a rouge change to the documents to reflect one person's perspective. The issue with the mem subregs did not come up in the previous discussions and as you point out does seem to have been dropped by us. Going back and reading the text that was dropped and what you say here, gives me the feeling that there is yet another complex use of subregs that was underdocumented in the original text that is certainly deserving of some enhancement. Unlike the area of subregs of hardregs, where the consensus opinion was that these should go away, there was just not much said about subregs of mems and it looks like the issue fell between the cracks. lets let the subregs of mem issue kick around for a few days and i will propose a patch based on what people say and the currently committed code that supports subregs of mem.

If you want to understand some of the (subreg (mem)) issues, look in combine.c. Anywhere you find LOAD_EXTEND_OP is probably worth reading.

Painful, painful memories...


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