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Re: [Patch, fortran] PR35759 - WHERE with overlap with ELSEWHERE error


Thank you for being stubborn!

On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 11:38 PM, Dominique Dhumieres
<> wrote:
> Paul,
>  Since I am very stuborn, I tried the following test:
>  logical :: la(6) = (/(2*(i/2) /= i, i = 1, 6)/), lb(6)
>  lb = la
>  print *, la
>  where(la)
>   la = .false.
>  elsewhere
>   la = .true.
>  end where
>  print *, la
>  if (any(la .eqv. lb)) call abort()
>  end
>  ifort, gfortran 4.3, and g95 give:
>   T F T F T F
>   F T F T F T
>  with your patch, I get:
>   T F T F T F
>   T T T T T T
>  Abort
>  Dominique

Since there are problems with allocatable components, another of
Dick's recent PRs (35745) breaks all manifestations of WHERE and now
this, I'll retire to a safe distance for a while and do a proper job
of it.

Many thanks


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