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Re: Fix PR 31903, type info for types in anonymous namespaces

On 29/10/2007, at 6:41 AM, Richard Guenther wrote:

On 10/29/07, Richard Guenther <> wrote:
On 6/14/07, Geoffrey Keating <> wrote:

In the 'else' clause right below the code I remove, there is:

     else if (TREE_CODE (decl) == VAR_DECL && DECL_TINFO_P (decl))
         /* tinfo visibility is based on the type it's for.  */
           (decl, type_visibility (TREE_TYPE (DECL_NAME (decl))));

which is more correct, and in the presence of the code I deleted, is
never used for type info of class types.

Tested with 'make bootstrap', rebuilding libsdc++, and running the C++
dejagnu testsuite on i386-apple-darwin9.

This causes PR33871 and reverting the change still ends up with the testcase
working. On *-linux-gnu that is. Any idea why?

Please investigate.

In fact, I think the new testcase should _fail_ now, but the matching pattern doesn't fail on

.file "anon4.C"
.globl X
.section .rodata
.align 8
.type X, @object
.size X, 8
.quad _ZTIN12_GLOBAL__N_13fooE
.section .gnu.linkonce.r._ZTSN12_GLOBAL__N_13fooE,"a",@progbits
.align 16
.type _ZTSN12_GLOBAL__N_13fooE, @object
.size _ZTSN12_GLOBAL__N_13fooE, 21
.string "N12_GLOBAL__N_13fooE"
.section .rodata
.align 16
.type _ZTIN12_GLOBAL__N_13fooE, @object
.size _ZTIN12_GLOBAL__N_13fooE, 16
.quad _ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE+16
.quad _ZTSN12_GLOBAL__N_13fooE
.ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.3.0 20071029 (experimental)"
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits

Could you explain more about why you think it should fail? I only see one instance of '.globl' in this snippet of assembler and it's not the one the testcase is checking for, which would look like

.globl _ZTIN12_GLOBAL__N_13fooE

(note that the testcase is trying to make sure that .globl does *not* appear.)

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