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Re: [PATCH] Fix matrix regression failures on AIX and HP-UX

On 7/26/07 9:07 AM, Razya Ladelsky wrote:

>     m_node = (struct matrix_info *) xcalloc (1, sizeof (struct matrix_info));
> +   memset (m_node, 0, sizeof (struct matrix_info)); 

Not necessary.  You are allocating with xcalloc.

>   	     call in this indirection level; if so, mark it; if not, mark
>   	     as escaping.  */
>   	  if (mi->malloc_for_level
> ! 	      && mi->max_malloced_level-1 == level

I don't get this one.  Why are we marking level as escaping if level+1
is malloc'd?

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