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Re: [PATCH] middle-end: convert builtin finite -> MINUS/ORD

On Tue, 12 Jun 2007, Kaveh R. GHAZI wrote:

> In libgcc2.c, we have:
> /* All of these would be present in a full C99 implementation of <math.h>
>    and <complex.h>.  Our problem is that only a few systems have such full
>    implementations.  Further, isn't currently linked against
>, and even for systems that do provide full C99, the extra overhead
>    of all programs using libgcc having to link against libm.  So avoid it.
> */
> #define isnan(x)        __builtin_expect ((x) != (x), 0)
> #define isfinite(x)     __builtin_expect (!isnan((x) - (x)), 1)
> #define isinf(x)        __builtin_expect (!isnan(x) & !isfinite(x), 0)
> So won't these raise exceptions as well?

Yes, but these are only for C99 complex arithmetic operations and C99 
G.5.1#5 says those may raise spurious floating-point exceptions.  The 
built-in functions provided for use in system headers (__builtin_isX for 
use in implementing isX) should not do so.

Joseph S. Myers

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