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[Ada] various ada 2005 fixes

Tested on i686-linux, committed on trunk

This patch improves the management of class-wide types visible through
limited-with clauses. The following program now compiles without errors.
package pkg1 is
   type I1 is interface;
   type I2 is interface;
   type T is new I1 and I2 with null record;
package pkg1.impl is
limited with Pkg1;
package Pkg2 is
   function Test (Obj : pkg1.T'Class) return access pkg1.I2'Class;
with Pkg1;
package body Pkg2 is
   function Test (Obj : Pkg1.T'Class) return access pkg1.I2'Class is
      return null;
Command: gcc -c pkg2.adb

In Ada2005 anonymous access types with compatible designated types can be
compared for equality, The operator is defined in standard and immediately
visible, unless a proper user-defined operator exists. Cases of ambiguity are
resolved later.
gnat.dg/anon2.adb must compile quietly.

Rule 3.10.1 (8 1/2) of Ada 2005 allows a tagged incomplete view of a type
to be used as the subtype of a parameter in a formal part of a subprogram
declaration.  The formal part can be processed by Gigi before the full
view is encountered.  Therefore Is_By_Reference_Type must return true for
the tagged incomplete view, as it does for any tagged types, in order for
Gigi to correctly translate the subprogram declaration.

gnat.dg/ref_type.adb must compile silently.

Also, the equality function declared on universal access types applies as well
to access to subprogram types, to enforce the legality rule of 4.5.2(9.2).. The
code had omitted to include access to subprograms, when finding a common type
to which to convert operands of some binary operator.

gnat.dg/equal_access.adb must compile quietly.

If the first formal of a primitive operation is an access parameter, the
prefix  in a call is allowed to be an object of the designated type, and
an implicit 'Access is created for the first actual. However this is not
legal if the object is not aliased. This patch simply improves on the
error message generated for this case.
Compilation of cl.adb in Ada 2005 mode must procedure the following.
cl.adb:12:05: object in prefixed call to "CW_Proc" must be aliased
     (RM-2005 4.3.1 (13))
cl.adb:13:05: object in prefixed call to "Prim_Proc" must be aliased
     (RM-2005 4.3.1 (13))
package pref is
    type Base is tagged null record;
    procedure CW_Proc (Obj : access Base'Class);
    procedure Prim_Proc (Obj : access Base);
end pref;
with Pref; use Pref;
procedure Cl is
    A    : access Base := new Base;
    A_O  : Base := A.all;
    BC_A : access Base'Class := new Base;
    BC_O : Base'Class :=BC_A.all;
    BC_O.CW_Proc;     --  error : not Aliased.
    A_O.Prim_Proc;    --  error : not Aliased.
end Cl;

Finally, prefixed notation combined with implicit dereference and
implicit 'access can lead to ambiguous calls between primitive operations
that do not hide each other.
Compilation of Client below must produce the following output:
client.adb:12:09: ambiguous call to "CW_Proc"
client.adb:12:09: possible interpretation at
client.adb:12:09: possible interpretation (with implicit dereference)
client.adb:13:09: ambiguous call to "CW_Proc"
client.adb:13:09: possible interpretation (with implicit Access)
client.adb:13:09: possible interpretation at
client.adb:14:08: ambiguous call to "Prim_Proc"
client.adb:14:08: possible interpretation at
client.adb:14:08: possible interpretation (with implicit Access)
client.adb:15:06: ambiguous call to "Prim_Proc"
client.adb:15:06: possible interpretation (with implicit dereference)
client.adb:15:06: possible interpretation at
package Prefix is
    type Base is tagged null record;
    procedure CW_Proc (Obj : Base'Class);
    procedure CW_Proc (Obj : access Base'Class);
    procedure Prim_Proc (Obj : Base);
    procedure Prim_Proc (Obj : access Base);
end Prefix;
with Prefix; use Prefix;
procedure Client is
    A    : access Base := new Base;
    A_O  : aliased Base := A.all;
    BC_A : access Base'Class := new Base;
    BC_O : aliased Base'Class :=BC_A.all;
    --  if A_O'access= null then raise program_error; end if;
end Client;

2007-06-06  Javier Miranda  <>
	    Ed Schonberg  <>
	    Robert Dewar  <>
	    Eric Botcazou  <>
	    Arnaud Charlet  <>

	*, einfo.adb (Available_View): New synthesized attribute
	applicable to types that have the With_Type flag set. Returns the
	non-limited view of the type, if available, otherwise the type itself.
	For class-wide types, there is no direct link in the tree, so we have
	to retrieve the class-wide type of the non-limited view of the Etype.
	New attributes Static_Initialization and Static_Elaboration_Desired.
	Remove the pragma Thread_Body, and the associated flag
	Is_Thread_Body in entities, and all related code.
	(Suppress_Value_Tracking_On_Call): New flag
	E_Exception has Esize and Alignment fields
	(Universal_Aliasing): New function.
	(Set_Universal_Aliasing): New procedure.
	(Write_Entity_Flags): Deal with Universal_Aliasing flag.
	(Check_Nested_Access): New procedure.
	(Has_Up_Level_Access, Set_Has_Up_Level_Access): New procedures.
	(Find_Direct_Name, Note_Possible_Modification): Use Check_Nested_Access.
	(Related_Interface): New attribute. Present in dispatch table pointer
	components of records. Set to point to the entity of the corresponding
	interface type.
	(Is_By_Reference_Type): Recurse on the full view of an incomplete type.
	(Original_Access_Type): Remove, not needed.
	(Root_Type): Handle properly subtypes of class-wide-types.
	Update comments.

	* sem_ch4.adb (Analyze_Explicit_Dereference): Add support for
	class-wide types visible through limited-with clauses.
	(Try_Primitive_Operation): When examining all primitive operations of a
	tagged type, do not consider subprograms labeled as hidden unless they
	belong to a private generic type with a tagged parent.
	(Try_Object_Operation): Extensive rewriting, to handle properly various
	overloading cases, when several ancestors may have class-wide operations
	that are possible candidates, and when the overloaded functions return
	array types and have defaulted parameters so that the call may be
	interpreted as an indexing.
	(Analyze_Allocator): Remove Mark_Allocator and its invocation.
	(Process_Function_Call): use Next, rather than Next_Actual, to analyze
	successive actuals before analyzing the call itself.
	(Try_Primitive_Operation): A primitive operation is compatible with the
	prefix if the prefix has a synchronized type and the type of the formal
	is its corresponding record, as can be the case when the primitive
	operation is declared outside of the body of the type.
	(Traverse_Homonyms): New subprocedure of Try_Class_Wide_Operation, to
	perform homonym traversal, looking for class-wide operation matches
	(formerly done in statements of Try_Class_Wide_Operation). Matches on
	access parameters are now restricted to anonymous access types.
	(Mark_Allocator): An allocator with a discriminant association parent is
	a coextension.
	(Try_One_Prefix_Interpretation): If the type of the object is
	incomplete, as can be happen when it is a limited view obtained through
	a limited_with_clause, the selected component is not part of a prefixed
	(Complete_Object_Operation): Diagnose properly an object that is not
	aliased when the corresponding controlling formal is an access
	(Try_Primitive_Operation, Try_Class_Wide_Operation): Diagnose properly
	ambiguous calls in prefixed notation, where two primitives differ only
	in that the controlling argument of one is an access parameter.

	* sem_ch6.adb (Has_Single_Return): Add guard in code that determines
	whether a function that returns an unconstrained type can be inlined.
	(Process_Formals): Diagnose properly the illegal use of an incomplete
	type in the profile of an access_to_subprogram declaration.
	(Check_Synchronized_Overriding): Nothing check for concurrent types, the
	operations are attached to the corresponding record.
	(Analyze_Subprogram_Specification): Add variables Formal and Formal_Typ.
	When processing a primitive of a concurrent type which implements an
	interface change the type of all controlling formals to that of the
	corresponding record type.
	(Check_Synchronized_Overriding): Relax the conditional logic when trying
	to determine the tagged type to which a primitive belongs.
	(Check_Conventions): Capture condition to ignore a primitive operation
	(which is shared between the loop in Check_Conventions and the one in
	Check_Convention) in a new local function Skip_Check.
	(Check_Convention): Rename Prim_Op to Second_Prim_Op to avoid possible
	confusion with Check_Conventions' own Prim_Op local variable.
	(Create_Extra_Formals): Test for a tagged result type rather than a
	controlling result when determining whether to add a BIP_Alloc_Form
	formal and a BIP_Final_List formal to the function.
	(Check_Conformance); For parameters that are anonymous access types,
	subtype conformance requires that the not null and the constant
	indicators must match
	(Check_Synchronized_Overriding): New parameter Formal_Typ. Add machinery
	to retrieve the appropriate type when processing a concurrent type
	declared within a generic. Minor comment reformatting. Change invocation
	of Overrides_Synchronized_Primitive to Find_Overridden_Synchronized_Pri-
	(Analyze_Subprogram_Body): If the return type of a function is an
	anonymous access to the limited view of a class-wide type, and the
	non-limited view of the type is available, update the type of the
	function so that code can be generated.
	(Process_Formals): In case of access-subtype itype whose designated
	type is also an itype (situation that happens now with access to
	subprograms) we mark the access-type itype with the Has_Delayed_Freeze
	attribute to avoid backend problems.
	(Check_Return_Subtype_Indication): Replace R_Type with R_Stm_Type in
	init of R_Stm_Type_Is_Anon_Access. Also check that base types of the
	anonymous types' designated types are same before testing
	(Create_Extra_Formals): Test for a named access parameter that is a
	controlling formal as an additional condition for adding an
	accessibility level formal. This can occur in the subp type created for
	dispatching calls in Expand_Dispatching_Call, and allows calling
	Create_Extra_Formals from that procedure rather than special-casing the
	extra formals there.
	(Create_Extra_Formals): Add BIP_Alloc_Form and BIP_Final_List formals
	when the function has a controlling result.
	(Check_Returns): Add much more knowledge of the optimization of local
	raise statements to gotos, to retain proper warnings in this case.
	(Check_Statement_Sequence): Ignore N_Push_xxx_Label and N_Pop_xxx_Label
	nodes when looking for last statement.

	*, sem_type.adb (Specific_Type): Add support for
	class-wide types visible through limited with clauses.
	(Add_One_Interp): If the operands are anonymous access types, the
	predefined operator on universal_access is immediately visibles
	(Find_Unique_Type): Handle anonymous access to subprogram types just as
	other anonymous access types.
	(Disambiguate): Take into account CIL convention.
	(Interface_Present_In_Ancestor): Add support for class-wide interfaces.

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