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Re: [fixed-point] Patch to parse _Fract, _Accum, _Sat

On Wed, 8 Nov 2006, Steven Bosscher wrote:

> You've put _Sat under GNU extensions.  I see that the dfp type specifiers
> are under that header too but I thought they come from some standard.
> Anyway, if _Sat comes from a standard, it deserves its own heading here
> (and perhaps you could point to the relevant standards in a comment
> everywhere else where you add things for fixed-point parsing??).

The status of fixed point is a Technical Report Type 2 (TR 18037), of 
decimal floating-point is a draft TR Type 2 (DTR 24732).  A TR is not a 
standard or an amendment to a standard (so, for example, all uses of new 
type specifiers and forms of constants should be diagnosed with 
-pedantic), although depending on implementation experience it might be 
considered for inclusion in future standard revisions.

Joseph S. Myers

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