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Re: Solaris testers needed for fixinclude patch, PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT

Kaveh R. Ghazi wrote:
Bruce - assuming we get older solaris version confirmation, okay for
mainline now (or perhaps in stage1)?

Hi Kaveh,

Once these fixes are shown to be working correctly, they should be
applied to all active branches.

+ * Sun Solaris defines PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT as an array containing a
+ * structure.  As such, it need two levels of brackets, but only
+ * contains one.  Wrap the macro definition in an extra layer.
+ */
+fix = {
+    hackname = solaris_once_init_1;
+    select = '@\(#\)pthread.h' "[ \t]+1.[0-9]+[ \t]+[0-9/]+ SMI";
+    files = pthread.h;
+    c_fix = format;
+    c_fix_arg = "%1{%2}%3";
+    c_fix_arg = "(^#define[ \t]+PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT[ \t]+\\{)([^}]+)(\\})[ \t]*$";
+    test_text =
+    '#pragma ident	"@(#)pthread.h	1.37	04/09/28 SMI"'"\n"
+    "#define PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT\t{0, 0, 0, PTHREAD_ONCE_NOTDONE}";

Looks good to me!

Cheers - Bruce

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