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Re: [lto] PATCH: fill in code to merge declarations

Mark Mitchell wrote:
> Kenneth Zadeck wrote:
>>> That makes sense to me.  Of course, you'll have to audit for any other
>>> global variables or data structures that need to be set up --
>>> hopefully there are not too many...
>> Sandra and I have discussed this privately.  I am just going to end up
>> with some leaves of trees that have nulls rather than decls or types.  
> That's not the issue to which I'm referring: I was talking about
> global data in GCC, not global data in the user's program.  I am
> concerned that setting up the CFG (and preventing GCC from rebuilding
> it) may not be the only bit of state that has to be reset when
> skipping the early passes in the compilation process.
you are right, I misread you mail.  All that I can say is that we can
all drive off that bridge when we come to it.  I assume it is a mess
because diego says it is a mess, but it is something that we are just
going to have to get right.

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