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Re: [PATCH]: Reduce memory usage and compile time necessary for pruning

> Try the attached, and let me know if it fixes your problem.

Thanks.  Unfortunately it doesn't, the SMT is call-clobbered. :-(

  #   A.3_310 = V_MAY_DEF <A.3_305>;
  #   HEAP.18_311 = V_MAY_DEF <HEAP.18_306>;
  #   SMT.22_312 = V_MAY_DEF <SMT.22_307>;
  #   SMT.23_313 = V_MAY_DEF <SMT.23_308>;
  #   SMT.24_314 = V_MAY_DEF <SMT.24_309>;
  D.739_214->ARRAY[1] = q__node_to_element_new (arg_node_7) [return slot 

Variable: SMT.24, UID 919, struct ALLOC, is addressable, is global, call 
clobbered, may aliases: { A.3 }

Variable: D.739, UID 739, struct ALLOC *, symbol memory tag: SMT.24

I've attached a reduced testcase, just compile with 'gcc -O2 p.adb' on x86 but 
you will need to build the Ada compiler. :-)

Eric Botcazou
with q; use q;

package body p is

   function foo (Arg_Kind : Element_Kinds) return Element_List
      Arg_Node : Node_Id := Node (Arg_Kind);

      case Arg_Kind is

         when A =>

            return Element_List'(Node_To_Element_New (Arg_Node), Node_To_Element_New (Arg_Node));

         when B =>

            return Element_List'(Node_To_Element_New (Arg_Node), Node_To_Element_New (Arg_Node));

         when others =>

               Path_List_Length : Integer := List_Length (Select_Alternatives (Arg_Node));
               Path_List : Element_List (1 .. Path_List_Length);
               Path_List (1 .. Path_List_Length) := N_To_E_List_New (Select_Alternatives (Arg_Node));
               return Path_List;

      end case;


end p;
with q; use q;

package p is
   function foo (Arg_Kind : Element_Kinds) return Element_List;
end p;
package q is

   type Node_Id is new Natural;
   type List_Id is new Natural;

   type Element is record
     Node_1 : Node_Id := 255;
     Node_2 : Node_Id;
     Node_3 : Node_Id;
   end record;

   type Element_List is array (Natural range <>) of Element;

   type Element_Kinds is (A, B, C);

   function Int_Kind return Element_Kinds;
   function Node (Arg : Element_Kinds) return Node_Id;
   function Select_Alternatives (Arg : Node_Id) return List_Id;
   function List_Length (Arg : List_Id) return Integer;
   function N_To_E_List_New (Arg1 : List_Id) return Element_List;
   function Node_To_Element_New (Node : Node_Id) return Element;

end q;

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