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Re: track n_bbs_in_dom_tree only when asserting

On Mon, Sep 13, 2004 at 02:59:00PM +0100, Nathan Sidwell wrote:
> This patch adds some asserts which update the value of n_bbs_in_dom_tree.
> That variable is only used when asserting, so there's no need to
> manipulate it at other times.  This does introduce intentionally
> side-effecting asserts, but I hope that's flagged sufficiently with the
> extra parens and comments.
> booted & tested on i686-pc-linux-gnu,ok?

As a matter of personal taste, I'd rather have a #define for this that
was tied to the asserts and use #ifdef...  I need it for the same
purpose in another patch and I couldn't bring myself to abuse assert
this way.

Daniel Jacobowitz

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