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Re: RFC: PATCH for thread-safe C++ static local initialization

>           static <type> guard;
>           if (!guard.first_byte) {
>             if (__cxa_guard_acquire (&guard)) {
>               bool flag = false;
>               try {
>                 // Do initialization.
>                 flag = true; __cxa_guard_release (&guard);
>                 // Register variable for destruction at end of program.
>               } catch {
>                 if (!flag) __cxa_guard_abort (&guard);
>               }
>             }
>           }

I assume that this is just my misunderstanding of the inner workings of how 
the guard works, but isn't there

a) a second if(!guard.first_byte) missing inside the guarded block? (Some 
other thread may have set it between out checking for the flag and getting to 
the __cxa_guard_acquire.)

b) code missing to set guard.first_byte to something nonzero?

In any case, the main point of this mail is to point you (and this archived 
thread) to
which you are doubtlessly aware of and which discusses this stuff.

Wolfgang Bangerth              email:  

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