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Re: [v3] LSB symbols for 3.3

On Tue, 27 Jul 2004, Benjamin Kosnik wrote:

| Although at this point I'm completely opposed to the C++ parts in the
| draft LSB 2.0 spec, this addition makes sense. It also allows cxxabichk,
| the LSB test tool, to get a bit further.
| I now get:
| No RTTI name for _ZTINSt8valarrayIjEE
| Checking class _ZNSaIcEE
| No RTTI name for _ZTINSaIcEE
| Checking class _ZNSaIwEE
| No RTTI name for _ZTINSaIwEE
| Checking class _ZNSt12__basic_fileIcEE
| No RTTI name for _ZTINSt12__basic_fileIcEE
| Checking class _ZNSt24__default_alloc_templateILb1ELi0EEE
| No RTTI name for _ZTINSt24__default_alloc_templateILb1ELi0EEE
| Checking class _ZNSt6gsliceE
| No RTTI name for _ZTINSt6gsliceE
| All of which can be safely ignored. For some reason, inline destructors
| are causing problems with false errors in the test tool.
| tested x86/linux

Many thanks for producing this!  If LSB people agrees on this and
it matches GCC-3.4.x and mainline, it is OK.

-- Gaby

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