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On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 10:34:54PM -0400, Richard Kenner wrote:
> You moved REALPART_EXPR and IMAGPART_EXPR to tree class 'r'.  I think that
> VIEW_CONVERT_EXPR should also be class 'r'.  It turns out that it's just
> one line do that, aside from the obvious.  Do you agree this is a good idea?

I don't know.  The use of VCE I'd envisioned in the beginning,

	int i; float f;
	f = V_C_E<float>(i);

doesn't seem to match a 'reference'.  Nor is even the normal
Ada usage of this referring to some subcomponent of an object.

What's your argument for why it should be in 'r'?


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