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Re: [gfortran] PATCH -- random.c: fix infinite loop and make sequences consistent

On Sun, Jun 13, 2004 at 07:51:35PM +0200, Tobias Schl?ter wrote:
> Steven G. Kargl wrote:
> >2004-06-13  Steven G. Kargl  <>
> >     * random.c (random_r4): Burn a random number
> >       (random_r8): fix infinite loop.
> >
> I committed this under the obviously correct rule. Your burning of a 
> random number also makes sense if one uses it to generate both REAL*4 
> and REAL*8 random numbers, as now in a sequence REAL*8, REAL*4, REAL*8 
> the third number will be the same as in a series of REAL*8 numbers.

Thanks.  Yes, the burning of the number allows one to 
change a program from REAL*4 to REAL*8 for testing
with the expectation that the PRN sequences are consistent.

program s
   integer i
   real(4) x4(4)
   real(8) x8(4)
   call random_seed
   call random_number(x4)
   call random_seed
   call random_number(x8)
   do i = 1, 4
      print '(I2,2X,E15.6,E22.15)', i, x4(i), x8(i)
   end do
end program s

kargl[334] ./uuu
 1     0.126499E+00 0.126499085373039E+00
 2     0.827013E-01 0.827013909818962E-01
 3     0.330153E+00 0.330153673957584E+00
 4     0.401973E+00 0.401973397956495E+00


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