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Re: [tree-ssa] Fix variables getting out of their scope

On Mon, 2003-08-11 at 18:09, wrote:
> In message <>, Zdenek Dvorak writ
> es:

>  >
>  >Then there are two problems:
>  >1) moving variables to the outer scope might pessimize the code a bit.
> Possibly.
>  >Now when the variables are in disjoint scopes, they may get the same
>  >stack slot assigned (if any).  Not really sure whether we use this,
>  >though.
> Addressable variables in disjoint scopes are allowed to share stack slots.
> However, we shouldn't be extending the lifetime of anything addressable.
> [ Note that I'm not advocating fixing this problem, just clarifying what
>   happens in the backend. ]
> Note that blindly moving variables to an outer scope may have impacts on
> languages were variables are constructed/destructed -- suddenly the destructors
> don't run when you expect them.
In my comments, I was only thinking of scalars which are not
addressable, I should have clarified that...  I guess it was kind of
implicit in the 'as long as its been renamed by the SSA pass' comment,
but not clear without thinking about it. :-)


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