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Re: Patch: assume-compiled fix

>>>>> "Andrew" == Andrew Haley <> writes:

Andrew> I assume by "tested" you mean "no regressions".

Yes, though that means little in this case (we don't ever use
-fno-assume-compiled in the test suite; so this only tests that
supers_all_compiled always returns true without that option).  Also I
compiled libgcj from scratch, and I tried it on my test case.

Andrew> I suppose we'll need test cases for -fassume-compiled.

Yeah.  That probably means writing more expect code :-(.  We're going
to want to start running some tests in weird ways -- testing
compatibility of bytecode and java code, compatibility of the
interpreter and the compiler (right now at least method layout can
differ in the Miranda case, ugh).  Lately I seem to find serious bugs
everywhere I look :-(


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