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Re: gcc stack-smashing protector (for gcc-3.2.1)

On Fri, 10 Jan 2003, Fergus Henderson wrote:

> A simple way to do that would be to add a rule to the Makefile that
> checks for such things, e.g. using grep.
> For example:
> 	check: check_sources
> 	.PHONY: check_sources
> 	check_sources:
> 		if fgrep -n "`cat POISONED_WORDS`" *.c *.h 1>&2; then
> 			echo "The lines above contain poisoned words" 1>&2
> 			exit 1
> 		fi

Some words it's useful to grep for also have legitimate uses, e.g.
grepping for "675" finds notices with the old FSF address, but also some
long tables of numbers.

Joseph S. Myers

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