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Re: [C PATCH]: tidy some code

> > You are right - the message, which should be saying
> >
> > type '%s'
> >
> > is instead saying
> >
> > '%s'
> >
> > which is why it's so complicated to translate it.
> That's it, thanks Nicola.  Changing the diagnostic to say
>     redefinition of type '%T'
> would make the issue moot.  It might be worthwhile to put a comment near the
> errors telling translators to add "type" if it is problematic to use the
> keyword as a noun in their language.

good point

> But as long as I don't say "ridefinizione del tipo 'struct xxx'" (you are
> Spanish-speaking so you should understand it), I must treat 'struct' as a
> noun and give it a feminine gender say "ridefinizione della 'struct xxx'";
> or even, with a bit more freedom in the translation, "ridefinizione della
> struct 'xxx'" (note the placement of apostrophes) which is strictly-speaking
> incorrect but more appealing to me.

having been drawn into the discussion by a chance, I'd like just to say
that ... Italian is my first language (which is why I was lurking the
discussion), and I appreciate your points a lot, while generally - on this
specific issue - agreeing with Gabriel, so I'd prefer to use "il tipo
'struct xxx'" in the translations.  I wouldn't mind that being used in
English as well.

I'm generally in favour of `formally correct' messages, and `formally
correct' translations - because for newbie programmers, correct messages
can help to understand what they got wrong.

But I back your general idea that translators might need some freedom and
flexibility to translate into fluent and natural language.

Having said that ... I'll silently drop out of the discussion here as I've
not much to say, really :-)

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