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Re: Marking the end of a function

On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 09:48:16AM +0100, Andrew Haley wrote:
> FYI, what I'm trying to do is add to the reflection data for every
> method a new field that is the extent of that method.  However, the
> reflection data for a particular class isn't necessarily in the same
> assembly source file as the code, so sometimes end labels need to have
> external visibility.
> BTW, if it's thought that all these end labels will excessively bloat
> object files for no good reason I will add a flag to the function decl
> to indicate whether the end marker is really needed.

Well certainly you'll need to give some thought to how these
symbols interact with dynamic linking.  As far as I can tell,
it's only going to be bad.

I suppose a lot of the lossage could be mitigated by keeping
the reflection data in the same assembly file as the code, so
that you _didn't_ have to have these symbols be external.


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