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Re: [PATCH] scheduler register pressure excessive stack space

 In message <>, David Edelsohn 
 > 	Yes, it is yet another latent bug which I had not yet tracked
 > down.  The patch itself is correct, but I did not want to check in a patch
 > exposing latent bugs I could not fix.  All of the intervening patches have
 > been for latent bugs leading to this patch, but apparently there still are
 > more.
 > 	The following link is my reply to Richard Henderson's original
 > approval of the patch where I withdrew it due to failures I discovered:
Is it just the libcall stuff that's causing problems?  Or the no-unit part,
or the fix for SCHED_GROUP_P?  Your message isn't specific about what part
of the patch was causing failures.  I can revert everything, but I'd prefer
not to do that.


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