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Re: patch to bring java vtables closer to g++ abi conformance

Bryce McKinlay wrote:
>> > type_info is for C++ type info, not the java class object, right?
>> It could be both.
> Ahh, I see. Although that wouldn't work if we were to put static class 
> data in class objects (for improved performance and better JLS 
> compliance), because the size of the class then wouldn't be constant.

I'm suggesting the following:  (Note that _si_class_type_info is a
standard sub-class of type_info specified by the C++ V3 ABI - see

class __jv_class_type_info : public __si_class_type_info {
   jclass getJavaClass() { return (jclass) (this - CONSTANT); }
   jclass operator() () { return getJavaClass(); }

class java:lang:Class
: public java:lang:Object, public _jv_class_type_info
   ... fields of Class, as before

This basically merges a (fixed-size) __jv_class_type_info
instance in each Class object.  Converting from __jv_class_type_info
to Class or vice versa is a single subtraction/addition of a constant.
	--Per Bothner

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