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Re: [PATCH] Fix -save-temps from clobbering input

On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 01:37:18PM -0800, Ira Ruben wrote:
> There is the possibility that the user's input file can be clobbered
> by the compiler's intermediate files when -save-temps is used.
> For example gcc -save-temps foo.s will cause the preprocessed
> output of foo.s to overwrite foo.s.  This patch corrects that
> by checking for such cases and using a temp file instead.

Is there a portable and reliable way we can tell if we got the
input file via a "different" name?  I.e. take into account case
sensitivity and 8.3?  

My thought was use fstat and compare st_dev+st_ino numbers, but
I don't know how reliable that is on various non-POSIX filesystems.


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