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Re: I18N: automatic determination of potfiles list

On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 11:25:12AM +0100, Philipp Thomas wrote:
> >Assuming this patch is acceptable, I would like to set up automatic
> >updating of gcc.pot through the snapshot script or some other
> >mechanism. The file currently in the tree is perennially out of date.
> Yes, that would indeed be preferable. Up til now the updating had to
> be done manually and thus lagged when I forgot to do so.

It raises a number of policy questions.

1) At the lowest level, we can easily guarantee that the .pot file in
   CVS is up to date on all release branches.

2) As part of the release cycle, there needs to be a rule about when
   we stop changing error messages, so that translations are not
   perpetually out of date.  I think at the "bugfixes only" cut-off
   makes the most sense.

2) Which .pot file should be uploaded to the translation project?  I
   don't think they have a protocol for maintaining multiple versions
   of the same file, but we need that (3.0 error messages are
   different to 3.1, will be different to 3.2, etc)

3) Who is in charge of retrieving translations and checking them in?
   Ideally this would be at least semi-automated.  Right now it's not
   done _at all_ - I just looked at the translation site and there's a
   complete French translation (for 3.0) waiting for us to notice it.


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