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Re: PR3609

The appropriate place in the standard is section paragraph 5,
which says

  An integer may be converted to any pointer type.  Except as previously
  specified, the result is implementation-defined, might not be correctly
  aligned, might not point to an entity of the referenced type, and
  might be a trap representation.

Thus, in the expression

(char *)(((size_t)"foo") + 10)

the implementation has complete freedom to do pretty much whatever it
likes.  Merely executing this as a statement could create a trap
representation, which could cause compile-time or run-time errors or
any other behaviour the implementation can create.  It is permitted
for a compiler to give a fatal error on seeing this construct, or even
the similar construct

(char *)(size_t)"foo"

in fact, paragraph 6 says that even


can cause undefined behaviour.

- Geoffrey Keating <>

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