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Re: Objective C lexer - small cleanup

On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 07:17:35AM +0100, Neil Booth wrote:
> > That *could* be changed: cpplib could consider @ an acceptable
> > character to start an identifier with, in objc mode.  In fact, that
> > would simplify the logic quite a bit more.  I'll leave that
> > decision to you and the other people defining what the language is.
> We did that so we can macro-expand what comes after the @.  I don't
> think what you suggest is possible with that constraint.

Nothing stops the @ from being an acceptable leading character in an
identifier, _and_ a token in its own right if it isn't followed by
identifier characters.

> I like your patch.  I'm just a little wary of getting too much code
> dependent on the lookahead mechanism.  But that shouldn't stop your
> patch going in.

Is this because you want to change the lookahead mechanism, or you're
worried about it not working correctly, or what?

> Have you seen what Mark's doing on his C++ parser branch?  He's got a
> circular token buffer.  Eventually we should probably share code to do
> this token saving / pushback / whatever you want to call it.

I looked at it briefly.  Yes, we do want to share code there.  I think
we need to let Mark refine his design a bit more so he knows what it
needs, first.

zw "But that means every licensed realtor in America is a creature from outer
   space!" I shouted.  "What are we going to do about it?"
   "Well," said Osgood Sigerson, the world's greatest detective, "I suppose
   we'll just have to live with it."
   	-- Daniel Pinkwater, _The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death_

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