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Re: Missing documentation

On Sat, Jun 09, 2001 at 08:39:20PM -0300, Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> Thanks for the extra information.  How about this paragraph?
>         Besides declarations, the file indicates, in comments, the
>         origin of each declaration (source file and line), whether the
>         declaration was implicit, prototyped or unprototyped
>         (@samp{I}, @samp{N} for new or @samp{O} for old, respectively,
>         in the first character after the line number and the colon),
>         and whether it came from a declaration or a definition
>         (@samp{C} or @samp{F}, respectively, in the following
>         character).  In the case of function definitions, a K&R-style
>         list of arguments followed by their declarations is also
>         provided, inside comments, after the declaration.

That looks good.  An example would be helpful:

int foo(int bar) {}
/* file.c:1:NF */ extern int foo (int bar); /* (bar) int bar; */

> > You should also mention that this is used during the GCC build, and by
> > (un)protoize.
> This is already covered elsewhere in the manual.

Didn't know that.  Okay.

zw    If punishments don't compensate the victims and don't prevent future
      crimes they seem to me to be indistinguishable from random acts of
      	-- Bernard Peek

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