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Re: other/2857: i18n, translations does not work

On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 08:48:40AM +0100, Joseph S. Myers wrote:
> On Thu, 24 May 2001, Zack Weinberg wrote:
> > On the other hand, it might be more useful to have a known place to
> > work from, which would argue for leaving gcc.pot in CVS and updating
> > it periodically.
> But that known place for translators of GNU software is

I *thought* there was some sort of web page like that, but I couldn't
remember where it lived.

> though we should, at least, have a defined tag in the repository (maybe a
> snapshot or release tag) for the sources from which a .pot was generated,
> if the .pot doesn't go in CVS.

We ought to be regularly uploading revised .pot files, and checking
for completed translations.  Did anyone know that there are complete
Danish and Japanese translations (for a gcc.pot from 2000-06-07, but
still...) sitting there?

zw They are calling true what their heart desires; what they would have
   be true, and if the iron bones of the earth or the light in the width
   of the sky say different, they will not permit these things to be
   knowledge within them, nor grant regard to any who do.  -- Graydon Saunders

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