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Re: Bug in Objective-C compiler found

On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 07:01:44PM +0100, Nicola Pero wrote:
> Perhaps/probably your patch is better - I don't know :-) - I have the
> impression mine is safer only because I don't completely understand
> the implications of the changes you propose.

I'm not sure how your patch would work properly either.  It seems
to me that it merely exchanges a bug in one direction (incorrectly
considering keywords to be identifiers) with another bug in the 
other direction (incorrectly considering identifiers to be keywords).

The reason I like Zack's patch is that one can collect the entire
function (or even unit of translation) into parse trees and have
something that makes sense.  That is, in the different contexts
you have distinct identifiable objects -- as opposed to having one
object with a uniform, and apparently random, setting of some bit.


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