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Re: loop.c bugfix

    I'm somewhat curious -- off the top of my head I thought we wouldn't
    generate a base + index address until combine.  So I'm a little
    curious how we generated such an address that early in the compiler

I'm not sure.  The test case was *huge* and I didn't bother to go back and
look at how it got there. I suspect, due to some things I was seeing, that
the RTL was a shared PLUS between an add insn and a address.  If so, it's
probably not valid and is another bug, but I didn't have the patience to
track it down since this change is useful anyway.

Note that this problem originally came up in GCC 2.8.1.  I don't remember
whether I was able to reproduce it under the 2.96 sources, though that
wouldn't prove much either way for various reasons.

As has been said, tracking REGNO_POINTER_FLAG through loop wins for other
reasons anyway.

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