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Re: Patch: gcj -vs- iconv

On Mon, Mar 06, 2000 at 02:39:01PM -0700, Tom Tromey wrote:
> This patch does have one minor problem, which is that if --encoding is
> not specified we default to UTF-8 instead of the encoding the user has
> chosen (as part of his locale).  I don't know how to find that
> information.  Anyway, that is an addition which shouldn't affect
> whether or not this patch goes in, since this patch doesn't make the
> situation any worse than it is right now.

setlocale (LC_CTYPE, ""); 
cset = nl_langinfo (CODESET);

might give you what you want.  nl_langinfo is in <langinfo.h>.

I think there ought to be a way to specify the encoding of a file
*inside* the file.  How does Mule do it?


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