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Re: malloc-based ggc-page

On Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 11:01:42PM -0200, Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> On Jan 19, 2000, Marc Espie <> wrote:
> > Read carefully. valloc(size) is implemented by calling malloc after adding
> > pagesize-1 to size. So unless size == 0, malloc is called with something
> > larger than a page, so malloc's result is aligned on a page boundary.
> This information can't be derived from the snippet you posted.  Is it
> really true that malloc on OpenBSD will return a page-aligned address
> just because size > pagesize?  This would mean a lot of memory is
> wasted!

This information *can* be derived from the snippet I posted, unless you
don't trust vmalloc's man page.
malloc says the same thing.

Most modern mallocs use fixed size-buckets, arranged in  power of 2 sizes
to speed things up.  Not losing for allocations > page size just means
storing the malloc size elsewhere, like using a separate index of pages,
and storing only identical-size fragments in a given page.

I won't post such a long snippet here, but you can retrieve that malloc
from any OpenBSD cvs mirror,

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