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Re: unshare_all_rtl missed some rtl

On Tue, Jan 11, 2000 at 07:37:04AM -0700, Jeffrey A Law wrote:
> This is where I had to stop.  Given that those operands are match_dups
> they should be shared.    Right?

Needn't be.  A match_dup must be equal not eq.

> I'm not 100% sure this is a good thing.  The general rule is the predicate
> should allow those operands that are allowed by the processor.  For a 
> div instruction on the m68k, the first operand is allowed to be a MEM
> expression.

But the ISA allows only one MEM operand to the div insn.
The md pattern is allowing two MEM input operands, plus
a MEM output operand.


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