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Re: patch to add x86 help

Craig Burley wrote:
> >+  { "align-double",		 MASK_ALIGN_DOUBLE, "Align doubles on dword boundary" },\
> >+  { "no-align-double",		-MASK_ALIGN_DOUBLE, "Align doubles on word boundary" },		\
> For now, I'd suggest "Align [some] doubles...", since stack doubles
> do not get aligned (yet).
> >+  { "no-fancy-math-387",	 MASK_NO_FANCY_MATH_387, "Do not generate sin, sos, sqrt for 387" },		\
> "cos", not "sos".  "sos" is an old DEC-10 editor.  :)

I've committed your suggestions, Craig.

> Thanks for doing this important work!!

It's simple enough that I can do it and uninteresting enough that the
Wizards are unlikely to do it. :-)


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