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x87 register clobber returns "unknown register name" error


I am trying to write inline assembly code that uses the x86 floating
point stack.

As far as I understood , the
proper register clobber to use in this case is "st(x)". For example,
this example from the documentation uses the "st(1)" clobber :

asm ("fyl2xp1" : "=t" (result) : "0" (x), "u" (y) : "st(1)");

However, if I try it on the trivial example attached, it fails with the
following error.

$ gcc-4.8 display_representation.c
display_representation.c: In function âmainâ:
display_representation.c:11:5: error: unknown register name âst(0)â in âasmâ
     asm volatile ("fstps (%1)" :

What am I doing wrong ?

Thanks in advance,
Hadrien Grasland
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    float input = 1.0f;
    uint8_t output[sizeof(input)];
    int i;
    // Copy input's internal representation to output
    asm volatile ("fstps (%1)" :
                  : // No output
                  "t" (input), "r" (output) :
                  "memory", "st(0)");
    // Display the input's representation
    printf("Internal float representation : ");
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(output); ++i)
        printf("%02hhX ", output[i]);
    return 0;

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