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Re: Plugin: global vs global static in c/c++ AST representation

Am 27.05.2013 10:10, schrieb Florian Weimer:

> <>
> I think you can cut down the number of false positives by taking ELF
> binding types into account (which I have not investigated yet).
I allready tried objdump and nm and size but there are some difficulty.
I found it very hard to separate "static within function", "global" and
"global static".
It does not easyly provide the location in the source file.
It does not allow me to insult the develloper at compile time.
Even if i could fix it by now it just takes just a few months and the
clash may happen again.
I think i'd go for the plugin solution and reinvestiagte the c-frontend.
In c++ i'm very positive about the decl_this_staic predicate.

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