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Re: Finding dlltool using gcc

Hi, all

On 2011å09æ21æ 22:06, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
Stephen Kitt<> writes:

Is there a recommended approach to use to find dlltool using only

I don't know of one. I don't know why avoiding autoconf is desirable. However, if I were forced to do so, I would probably use gcc -v to get the target name and look for TARGET-dlltool that way.
gcc -dumpmachine is more relavant.

autoconf should be the proper way, because it deals with more circumstances. Any other attempts will be reinventing the wheel.

If autoconf is not desirable, we should try to find it in autoconf's way, try $target-dlltool first and dlltool next.

I am wrong in dropping /usr/$target/bin?

No, you are right. That directory is used to communicate programs from the binutils to gcc, and there are no promises about what binaries may be found there.

Despite the fact I submit the bug, I think this isn't a bug.

We could do nothing and just wait multiarch to be ready. There will be dlltool in /usr/$target/bin, isn't it?

Bin Tian

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