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Re: [ASM] [PowerPC] floating-point registers mnemonics

On 01/14/2011 05:13 PM, Segher Boessenkool wrote:
On the code below, I'm storing the result of the product in a temporary
variable (fra).

inline void MTH_Vec3Scale(register MTH_tt_Vector3 *D,register const
MTH_tt_Vector3 *A, register f32 f)
     register       f32  fra;
     asm     (       "lfs   %3,   0(%0)              \n"        // FRA<-
                     "\t    fmul   %3,   %3,     %2  \n"       // FRT<-
                     "\t    stfs   %3,   0(%1)       \n"         // *dest =

                     "\t    lfs    %3,   4(%0)       \n"
                     "\t    fmul   %3,   %3,     %2  \n"
                     "\t    stfs   %3,   4(%1)       \n"

                     "\t    lfs    %3,   8(%0)       \n"
                     "\t    fmul   %3,   %3,     %2  \n"
                     "\t    stfs   %3,   8(%1)       \n"
         /* outputs: */ :
         /* inputs : */ :"b"(A),"b"(D),"f"(f),"f"(fra)
         /* clobbers:*/ :"memory");

You write to "fra" (and never read it), so you should list it in outputs instead of in inputs:

/* outputs: */ :"=f"(fra)

Make that an earlyclobber: "=&f"


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