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gcov and autotools - filename issues

Hi all,

I hope this is the right place for this question.

Having just discovered gcov, I would like to use it with my autoconf-based
project.  Unfortunately all the examples seem to use only one source file,
whereas I have many and they're in different subfolders.

If I compile my code with the appropriate GCC options, the .gcno files get
created but I'm not sure how to run gcov.  For example I have some unit tests
in a tests/ subdirectory:

  $ gcov tests/tests.cpp
  tests.gcno:cannot open graph file

Which is correct, because the autotools name it as tests/tests-tests.gcno.
Likewise all the other .gcno files are in subdirectories with the directory
name prepended onto the filename.

If anyone can shed some light on how gcov should be run in this situation
please let me know!

Many thanks,

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